Marketing Articles
Below is a series of short plant advertisements and marketing articles for beginning gardeners published by Plant Delights nursery over the last few years. Click here for a list of more in-depth plant articles.

10 Hard-to-kill Perennial Plants
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
10 Hard-to-kill Perennial Plants
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

A Beginner's Guide to Growing Ferns Outdoors
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
A Beginner's Guide to Growing Ferns Outdoors
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

A Plant Nursery offering Shade Garden Perennials
Alocasia wentii Whether you find gardening to be a challenge or a thrill, you will find the perennials you want with the advice you need at Plant Delights Nursery. We...
A Plant Nursery offering Shade Garden Perennials
Alocasia wentii Whether you find gardening to be a challenge or a thrill, you will find the perennials you want with the advice you need at Plant Delights Nursery. We...

A Wide Range of Perennial Plants for All Hardin...
Liriope muscari 'Okina' If you are looking to make your gardening easier as the years go by, perennial plants are the best choice. These plants will return again year after...
A Wide Range of Perennial Plants for All Hardin...
Liriope muscari 'Okina' If you are looking to make your gardening easier as the years go by, perennial plants are the best choice. These plants will return again year after...

A Wide Selection of Hostas
Hosta 'June' Many gardeners prefer hostas because of their durability. Hosta plants are hardy perennials and will grow well in partially shaded areas. Hosta plants are very diverse in size...
A Wide Selection of Hostas
Hosta 'June' Many gardeners prefer hostas because of their durability. Hosta plants are hardy perennials and will grow well in partially shaded areas. Hosta plants are very diverse in size...

Add Beauty To Shaded Areas with Shade Plants
Aconitum carmichaelii 'Autumn Indigo' Many gardeners are at a loss as to what plants are best for shaded areas. If you have areas in your garden or landscaping that do...
Add Beauty To Shaded Areas with Shade Plants
Aconitum carmichaelii 'Autumn Indigo' Many gardeners are at a loss as to what plants are best for shaded areas. If you have areas in your garden or landscaping that do...

Add Charm To Your Garden With Ferns
Adiantum capillus-veneris 'Bermuda Run' If you are planting a garden and you want to add a decorative touch, you can buy ferns for sale at Plant Delights Nursery. We offer a...
Add Charm To Your Garden With Ferns
Adiantum capillus-veneris 'Bermuda Run' If you are planting a garden and you want to add a decorative touch, you can buy ferns for sale at Plant Delights Nursery. We offer a...

Add Color To Your Garden With Beautiful Perenni...
Echinacea 'Delicious Candy' If you are looking for perennial flowers that will give you beauty in a variety of colors, you certainly cannot go wrong with coneflowers. These beautiful plants...
Add Color To Your Garden With Beautiful Perenni...
Echinacea 'Delicious Candy' If you are looking for perennial flowers that will give you beauty in a variety of colors, you certainly cannot go wrong with coneflowers. These beautiful plants...

Add Color to Your Garden with Coneflowers
Echinacea 'Double Scoop Mandarin' PP 26,640 Coneflower (Echinacea) is a beautiful perennial flower that comes in a wide array of colors and hues. If you want a plant that will...
Add Color to Your Garden with Coneflowers
Echinacea 'Double Scoop Mandarin' PP 26,640 Coneflower (Echinacea) is a beautiful perennial flower that comes in a wide array of colors and hues. If you want a plant that will...

Add Heuchera Coral Bells to Create a Stunning L...
Heuchera 'Caramel' PP 16,560 Creating a beautiful landscape involves a number of choices starting with determining which plants will thrive in your region and which provide the colors and textures...
Add Heuchera Coral Bells to Create a Stunning L...
Heuchera 'Caramel' PP 16,560 Creating a beautiful landscape involves a number of choices starting with determining which plants will thrive in your region and which provide the colors and textures...

Add Hostas to Your Shaded Areas for Beautiful L...
Hosta 'Cathedral Windows' PP 17,295 If you are looking for a perennial that can take a bit of abuse and still thrive, Hostas are an excellent choice for most gardeners....
Add Hostas to Your Shaded Areas for Beautiful L...
Hosta 'Cathedral Windows' PP 17,295 If you are looking for a perennial that can take a bit of abuse and still thrive, Hostas are an excellent choice for most gardeners....

Add Interest To Your Garden with a Banana Tree
Ensete maurelii Contrary to popular opinion, you do not have to live in the tropics in order to plant and grow a banana tree. These trees are a beautiful addition...
Add Interest To Your Garden with a Banana Tree
Ensete maurelii Contrary to popular opinion, you do not have to live in the tropics in order to plant and grow a banana tree. These trees are a beautiful addition...

Add Interest To Your Shade Flower Garden with T...
Osmunda cinnamomea When you think of a shade flower garden you may think of a woodland garden full of diminutive plants, and possibly with diminutive leprechauns and fairies among them;...
Add Interest To Your Shade Flower Garden with T...
Osmunda cinnamomea When you think of a shade flower garden you may think of a woodland garden full of diminutive plants, and possibly with diminutive leprechauns and fairies among them;...

Add Texture and Color To Your Garden with Peren...
Sarracenia alata 'Purple Peeper' Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. offers a number of high performing perennials for sale. Whether you are looking for beautifully colored flowers for your garden or you...
Add Texture and Color To Your Garden with Peren...
Sarracenia alata 'Purple Peeper' Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. offers a number of high performing perennials for sale. Whether you are looking for beautifully colored flowers for your garden or you...

Add a Splash of Color to Your Landscape with Co...
Heuchera 'Berry Timeless' PP 26,357 When choosing plants for landscaping, you may want something that is going to provide you with lots of color. Coral bells are a gardener’s dream...
Add a Splash of Color to Your Landscape with Co...
Heuchera 'Berry Timeless' PP 26,357 When choosing plants for landscaping, you may want something that is going to provide you with lots of color. Coral bells are a gardener’s dream...

Add a Touch of the Tropics with Banana Tree Plants
Musa velutina Banana trees are absolutely beautiful. At Plant Delights Nursery we have numerous types of banana tree plants for sale. The banana tree happens to be one of the...
Add a Touch of the Tropics with Banana Tree Plants
Musa velutina Banana trees are absolutely beautiful. At Plant Delights Nursery we have numerous types of banana tree plants for sale. The banana tree happens to be one of the...

Add an Agave Plant to Make Your Garden Distinct
Agave 'Kissho Kan Nishiki' If you are looking for a way to make your landscaping unique there are a number of different plants that you can use. The agave plant...
Add an Agave Plant to Make Your Garden Distinct
Agave 'Kissho Kan Nishiki' If you are looking for a way to make your landscaping unique there are a number of different plants that you can use. The agave plant...

Adding Native Perennial Plants To Your Garden
Agastache 'Rosie Posie' PP 25,857 There are a number of native plants that are indigenous to various areas of the nation. Native plants are the perfect choice for any perennial...
Adding Native Perennial Plants To Your Garden
Agastache 'Rosie Posie' PP 25,857 There are a number of native plants that are indigenous to various areas of the nation. Native plants are the perfect choice for any perennial...

Adding Perennial Wildflowers to Your Garden?
Actaea pachypoda 'Monroe' Native perennial wild flowers are a lovely choice for the garden that is often overlooked. Native plants offer a great variety of forms and can often withstand...
Adding Perennial Wildflowers to Your Garden?
Actaea pachypoda 'Monroe' Native perennial wild flowers are a lovely choice for the garden that is often overlooked. Native plants offer a great variety of forms and can often withstand...

After You Buy Hostas, Proper Care Will Keep The...
Hosta 'Halcyon' So, you’ve decided to buy hostas for your shade garden. Hostas make the perfect choice when you want perennials that are relatively low-maintenance and can grow in partial...
After You Buy Hostas, Proper Care Will Keep The...
Hosta 'Halcyon' So, you’ve decided to buy hostas for your shade garden. Hostas make the perfect choice when you want perennials that are relatively low-maintenance and can grow in partial...

Agapanthus for Beginners: How to Grow Lily-of-t...
Agapanthus, commonly known as Lily-of-the-Nile, is a stunning flowering plant that adds a touch of elegance and charm to any garden. With their graceful arching stems and striking clusters of...
Agapanthus for Beginners: How to Grow Lily-of-t...
Agapanthus, commonly known as Lily-of-the-Nile, is a stunning flowering plant that adds a touch of elegance and charm to any garden. With their graceful arching stems and striking clusters of...

Agave - Cold-Hardy, Drought-Tolerant, Deer-Resi...
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
Agave - Cold-Hardy, Drought-Tolerant, Deer-Resi...
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

Amorphophallus - Winter Hardy Voodoo Lilies for...
Amorphophallus titanum The genus Amorphophallus is one of several aroids that gardeners find fascinating. Like its woodland garden cousins Arisaema (jack in the pulpit) and dracunculus, Voodoo Lilies are weird...
Amorphophallus - Winter Hardy Voodoo Lilies for...
Amorphophallus titanum The genus Amorphophallus is one of several aroids that gardeners find fascinating. Like its woodland garden cousins Arisaema (jack in the pulpit) and dracunculus, Voodoo Lilies are weird...

Amsonia for Beginners: Tips for Growing Blue Star
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
Amsonia for Beginners: Tips for Growing Blue Star
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

Are You Searching for Rare and Unusual Plants?
Dionaea muscipula 'King Henry' Have you searched for unusual plants? We know the best place for you to look. No, not Portland, Asheville, or Austin…that's for people. No, the best...
Are You Searching for Rare and Unusual Plants?
Dionaea muscipula 'King Henry' Have you searched for unusual plants? We know the best place for you to look. No, not Portland, Asheville, or Austin…that's for people. No, the best...

Arisaema - Jack in the Pulpit and Cobra Lilies ...
Arisaema tortuosum Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness Zone 7b)....
Arisaema - Jack in the Pulpit and Cobra Lilies ...
Arisaema tortuosum Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness Zone 7b)....

Arum Lilies - Unique Aroid Plants for the Peren...
Arum italicum 'Marmoratum' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades,...
Arum Lilies - Unique Aroid Plants for the Peren...
Arum italicum 'Marmoratum' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades,...

Aspidistra - Tough Cast Iron Plants for the Per...
Aspidistra sichuanensis 'Golden Freckles' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the...
Aspidistra - Tough Cast Iron Plants for the Per...
Aspidistra sichuanensis 'Golden Freckles' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the...

Banana Plants That Thrive Outside of the Tropics
Musa velutina Have you tried Musa basjoo in your garden? If not, and you want a perennial for your garden that is unique, a Musa basjoo banana tree plant is...
Banana Plants That Thrive Outside of the Tropics
Musa velutina Have you tried Musa basjoo in your garden? If not, and you want a perennial for your garden that is unique, a Musa basjoo banana tree plant is...

Banana Tree Plants Add a Tropical Touch
Musa 'Picasso' Banana trees are not simply for tropical areas. There are a number of regions in North America where banana trees will thrive. If you are looking for quality banana...
Banana Tree Plants Add a Tropical Touch
Musa 'Picasso' Banana trees are not simply for tropical areas. There are a number of regions in North America where banana trees will thrive. If you are looking for quality banana...

Banana Trees Add a Tropical Feel to the Perenni...
Musella lasiocarpa Many gardeners want to find that one plant that will make their garden areas unique. If you are looking to add a tropical element to your garden, banana...
Banana Trees Add a Tropical Feel to the Perenni...
Musella lasiocarpa Many gardeners want to find that one plant that will make their garden areas unique. If you are looking to add a tropical element to your garden, banana...

Banana Trees and Other Unique Perennials
Musa sikkimensis 'Bengal Tiger' Have you been searching for a banana tree or other unique perennial for your garden? If you have been looking to add that little something special that...
Banana Trees and Other Unique Perennials
Musa sikkimensis 'Bengal Tiger' Have you been searching for a banana tree or other unique perennial for your garden? If you have been looking to add that little something special that...

Bear Grass
Nolina longifolia Nolina (Bear grass) is a deer resistant, sun-loving yucca relative (without the spines). It prefers full sun and is a drought resistant plant as it is native to...
Bear Grass
Nolina longifolia Nolina (Bear grass) is a deer resistant, sun-loving yucca relative (without the spines). It prefers full sun and is a drought resistant plant as it is native to...

Beautiful Hostas for Your Shaded Gardening Areas
Hosta 'Liberty' If you have areas around your garden that do not get full sunlight throughout the day, hostas are an excellent plant choice. Hostas will grow in little sunlight...
Beautiful Hostas for Your Shaded Gardening Areas
Hosta 'Liberty' If you have areas around your garden that do not get full sunlight throughout the day, hostas are an excellent plant choice. Hostas will grow in little sunlight...

Beautiful North American Native Perennials for ...
Agastache 'Rosie Posie' PP 25,857 Savvy gardeners looking for native Perennials for sale have been turning to Plant Delights Nursery since 1988 because of our expansive perennial knowledge. Additionally, our...
Beautiful North American Native Perennials for ...
Agastache 'Rosie Posie' PP 25,857 Savvy gardeners looking for native Perennials for sale have been turning to Plant Delights Nursery since 1988 because of our expansive perennial knowledge. Additionally, our...

Beginner Guide to Agave (Century Plants)
Agave 'Desert Diamond' PP 26,384 What are agaves and why are they called century plants? When people who have never been to the Southwest US first see an agave, they either...
Beginner Guide to Agave (Century Plants)
Agave 'Desert Diamond' PP 26,384 What are agaves and why are they called century plants? When people who have never been to the Southwest US first see an agave, they either...

Best Flowering Perennials for Spring and Summer
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
Best Flowering Perennials for Spring and Summer
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

Black Mondo Grass
Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Kokuryu' (Black Mondo Grass) aka Ophiopogon 'Nigrescens', is a part sun to shade ground cover growing to 6”. It spreads slowly by rhizomes and a single plant will...
Black Mondo Grass
Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Kokuryu' (Black Mondo Grass) aka Ophiopogon 'Nigrescens', is a part sun to shade ground cover growing to 6”. It spreads slowly by rhizomes and a single plant will...

Brighten Up Your Garden With Coneflowers
Echinacea 'Big Kahuna' PP 26,159 Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. offers a number of high performing perennials that will enable you to spruce up your outdoor garden area. Coneflower is a very...
Brighten Up Your Garden With Coneflowers
Echinacea 'Big Kahuna' PP 26,159 Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. offers a number of high performing perennials that will enable you to spruce up your outdoor garden area. Coneflower is a very...

Brighten Up Your Woodland Garden With Shade Flo...
Ajuga tenorei 'Cordial Canary' PPAF Are you lucky enough to have shaded areas in your yard in which to work during the heat of summer? If so, you will probably...
Brighten Up Your Woodland Garden With Shade Flo...
Ajuga tenorei 'Cordial Canary' PPAF Are you lucky enough to have shaded areas in your yard in which to work during the heat of summer? If so, you will probably...

Bring Beauty to Shaded Areas with Hosta Plants ...
Hosta 'Empress Wu' PP 20,774 Hosta plants are perennials that will grow in slightly shaded areas. This means that if you have structures blocking sunlight from your planting area, hostas...
Bring Beauty to Shaded Areas with Hosta Plants ...
Hosta 'Empress Wu' PP 20,774 Hosta plants are perennials that will grow in slightly shaded areas. This means that if you have structures blocking sunlight from your planting area, hostas...

Bring Butterflies to Your Garden with Butterfly...
Buddleia 'Ellen's Blue' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades,...
Bring Butterflies to Your Garden with Butterfly...
Buddleia 'Ellen's Blue' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades,...

Bring Excitement and Wonder to Your Garden with...
Sarracenia 'Dixie Lace' A Pitcher plant is a carnivorous or meat eating plant. They typically thrive in soil that is poor in nitrogen and use the inside of their tubular-shaped...
Bring Excitement and Wonder to Your Garden with...
Sarracenia 'Dixie Lace' A Pitcher plant is a carnivorous or meat eating plant. They typically thrive in soil that is poor in nitrogen and use the inside of their tubular-shaped...

Bring Your Garden to Life with a Butterfly Bush
Buddleia 'Blue Chip Jr.' PP 26,581 Butterflies are often the first signs of the arrival of spring. Many gardeners simply adore the day when butterflies begin fluttering around their flowers...
Bring Your Garden to Life with a Butterfly Bush
Buddleia 'Blue Chip Jr.' PP 26,581 Butterflies are often the first signs of the arrival of spring. Many gardeners simply adore the day when butterflies begin fluttering around their flowers...

Buddleja or Buddleia?
Buddleia 'Evil Ways' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into many of the plants that we have sold over the years,...
Buddleja or Buddleia?
Buddleia 'Evil Ways' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into many of the plants that we have sold over the years,...

Build the Garden of Your Dreams
Perennial plants are the perfect choice for growing a garden area. When cared for properly, these plants will come back year after year. Plant Delights Nursery offers a variety of...
Build the Garden of Your Dreams
Perennial plants are the perfect choice for growing a garden area. When cared for properly, these plants will come back year after year. Plant Delights Nursery offers a variety of...

Buy Perennial Plants from an Online Nursery
Canna flaccida Flowering perennial plants are a wonderful way to add color to the garden year after year. Flowers are a great way to add depth and brightness to an...
Buy Perennial Plants from an Online Nursery
Canna flaccida Flowering perennial plants are a wonderful way to add color to the garden year after year. Flowers are a great way to add depth and brightness to an...

Buy Plants Online Including Flowering Perennials
Athyrium filix-femina 'Victoriae' People love flowers, it's hard to deny. People also like plants they don't have to buy every year. Despite what it sometimes seems, the two aren't mutually...
Buy Plants Online Including Flowering Perennials
Athyrium filix-femina 'Victoriae' People love flowers, it's hard to deny. People also like plants they don't have to buy every year. Despite what it sometimes seems, the two aren't mutually...

Buy Unique Plants from our Online Mail Order Nu...
Dionaea muscipula 'Akai Ryu' The wonders of the plant world are all around you. The unique plants hidden in the distant or little searched places of the world are numerous,...
Buy Unique Plants from our Online Mail Order Nu...
Dionaea muscipula 'Akai Ryu' The wonders of the plant world are all around you. The unique plants hidden in the distant or little searched places of the world are numerous,...

Buy the Best Flowers for Sun Including Wonderfu...
Lycoris x caldwellii 'Sky Over Sky' Fall is the time of year for leaves changing and the time to plant, but otherwise fall plants don't get as much attention as...
Buy the Best Flowers for Sun Including Wonderfu...
Lycoris x caldwellii 'Sky Over Sky' Fall is the time of year for leaves changing and the time to plant, but otherwise fall plants don't get as much attention as...

Buying Perennials from Mail Order Plant Catalogs
It is the age of the internet. The world is at your fingertips, and almost anything you can imagine buying from anywhere is for sale. You may not be able...
Buying Perennials from Mail Order Plant Catalogs
It is the age of the internet. The world is at your fingertips, and almost anything you can imagine buying from anywhere is for sale. You may not be able...

Buying Perennials from an Online Nursery
Agapanthus 'Storm Cloud' Finding plants for your garden or collection is part of the fun of being a gardener. But it can become frustrating trying to find the flowers, perennials,...
Buying Perennials from an Online Nursery
Agapanthus 'Storm Cloud' Finding plants for your garden or collection is part of the fun of being a gardener. But it can become frustrating trying to find the flowers, perennials,...

Buying Unusual Perennial Plants from a Mail Ord...
Amorphophallus titanum Your local garden center serves up a great selection of colorful annuals and all of the standard perennials, but what if you are looking for something different for...
Buying Unusual Perennial Plants from a Mail Ord...
Amorphophallus titanum Your local garden center serves up a great selection of colorful annuals and all of the standard perennials, but what if you are looking for something different for...

Buying the Best perennials Online
Cypripedium 'Inge' If you want annuals to throw in a flower bed and replace next year then your local garden center should have a decent selection. If you want the...
Buying the Best perennials Online
Cypripedium 'Inge' If you want annuals to throw in a flower bed and replace next year then your local garden center should have a decent selection. If you want the...

Canna Lilies in the Garden
Canna x generalis 'Phasion' The Canna Lily is a tough beautiful perennial that provides amazing flower power, dazzling foliage color, or in the case of Canna Phasion, both. Canna lilies...
Canna Lilies in the Garden
Canna x generalis 'Phasion' The Canna Lily is a tough beautiful perennial that provides amazing flower power, dazzling foliage color, or in the case of Canna Phasion, both. Canna lilies...

Cannas in the Garden
Cannas are showy perennials whose popularity has ebbed and flowed with the fashions of the time, with a huge peak in the 1800's during the English Victorian gardening era. Cannas...
Cannas in the Garden
Cannas are showy perennials whose popularity has ebbed and flowed with the fashions of the time, with a huge peak in the 1800's during the English Victorian gardening era. Cannas...

Carex - Fine Textural Sedges for the Perennial ...
Carex oshimensis 'Everillo' PP 21,002 The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into many of the plants that we have sold over...
Carex - Fine Textural Sedges for the Perennial ...
Carex oshimensis 'Everillo' PP 21,002 The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into many of the plants that we have sold over...

Choose High Quality Perennials for Your Garden
Hosta 'Earth Angel' If you want to create a stunning garden that will return year after year, perennials can be the perfect choice. Plant Delights Nursery offers a wide selection...
Choose High Quality Perennials for Your Garden
Hosta 'Earth Angel' If you want to create a stunning garden that will return year after year, perennials can be the perfect choice. Plant Delights Nursery offers a wide selection...

Choose Quality Hostas for Your Shade Garden
Hosta 'Captain Kirk' Hosta plants are beautiful plants that gardeners use around their porches, decks, and throughout their woodland gardens. They are very low maintenance and durable plants that will...
Choose Quality Hostas for Your Shade Garden
Hosta 'Captain Kirk' Hosta plants are beautiful plants that gardeners use around their porches, decks, and throughout their woodland gardens. They are very low maintenance and durable plants that will...

Choose Quality Plants for Shade from Plant Deli...
Adiantum hispidulum 'Mt. Haleakala' Many new to gardening believe that in order for plants to grow properly they will require plenty of sunlight. This is not necessarily true. There are...
Choose Quality Plants for Shade from Plant Deli...
Adiantum hispidulum 'Mt. Haleakala' Many new to gardening believe that in order for plants to grow properly they will require plenty of sunlight. This is not necessarily true. There are...

Choose a Banana Tree for Your Home Garden, No M...
Musa sikkimensis Many gardeners do not realize that a banana tree can be grown virtually anywhere in the world. While most folks associate growing a banana tree with a tropical...
Choose a Banana Tree for Your Home Garden, No M...
Musa sikkimensis Many gardeners do not realize that a banana tree can be grown virtually anywhere in the world. While most folks associate growing a banana tree with a tropical...

Choose a Wide Selection of Shade Plants
Hosta plantaginea Most believe that in order for a plant to grow and thrive, it requires several hours of sunlight each day. While many plants do require direct sunlight, there...
Choose a Wide Selection of Shade Plants
Hosta plantaginea Most believe that in order for a plant to grow and thrive, it requires several hours of sunlight each day. While many plants do require direct sunlight, there...

Choose from a Wide Selection of Perennial Plants
Arisaema sikokianum Perennial plants are those that will return year after year. Perennial plants will typically live longer than two years so once you plant them they will return again...
Choose from a Wide Selection of Perennial Plants
Arisaema sikokianum Perennial plants are those that will return year after year. Perennial plants will typically live longer than two years so once you plant them they will return again...

Choose the Right Perennial Flowers for Your Garden
Heuchera 'Electric Plum' PP 29,924 Perennial flowers allow you to have a beautiful garden year after year. If you care for your perennial plants properly, they will provide you with...
Choose the Right Perennial Flowers for Your Garden
Heuchera 'Electric Plum' PP 29,924 Perennial flowers allow you to have a beautiful garden year after year. If you care for your perennial plants properly, they will provide you with...

Choosing Perennial Plants That Suit Your Garden...
When choosing the right plants for your garden, many want perennial plants that are lower maintenance and easy to care for. There are a number of beautiful perennials that will...
Choosing Perennial Plants That Suit Your Garden...
When choosing the right plants for your garden, many want perennial plants that are lower maintenance and easy to care for. There are a number of beautiful perennials that will...

Choosing a Native Plant for Your Garden Area
Adiantum hispidulum 'Mt. Haleakala' Native plants are a wonderful choice for any garden. Not only do they add beauty to your garden area, they can be beneficial for flora &...
Choosing a Native Plant for Your Garden Area
Adiantum hispidulum 'Mt. Haleakala' Native plants are a wonderful choice for any garden. Not only do they add beauty to your garden area, they can be beneficial for flora &...

Choosing the Best Hosta Plants for a Shade Garden
Hosta 'Blue Waves' When looking for plants that perform well under shady conditions, hosta plants are an excellent choice. Hostas are beautiful plants that give you wonderful foliage and brightly...
Choosing the Best Hosta Plants for a Shade Garden
Hosta 'Blue Waves' When looking for plants that perform well under shady conditions, hosta plants are an excellent choice. Hostas are beautiful plants that give you wonderful foliage and brightly...

Choosing the Best Performing Perennial Flowers
Heuchera 'Amber Waves' PP 13,348 Avid gardeners know that they can trust Plant Delights Nursery to provide them with quality perennial flowers and plants. We offer only the best performers...
Choosing the Best Performing Perennial Flowers
Heuchera 'Amber Waves' PP 13,348 Avid gardeners know that they can trust Plant Delights Nursery to provide them with quality perennial flowers and plants. We offer only the best performers...

Choosing the Best Shade Perennials for the Wood...
Acanthus mollis Reut, Israel Choosing shade plants for your garden may seem like a difficult task. After all, you want to know that the plants you choose will perform well...
Choosing the Best Shade Perennials for the Wood...
Acanthus mollis Reut, Israel Choosing shade plants for your garden may seem like a difficult task. After all, you want to know that the plants you choose will perform well...

Choosing the Right Perennial Plant for Your Garden
Agave parryi ssp. truncata 'Bed of Nails' If you want to begin creating a beautiful garden that will give you many years of joy, a perennial plant is a wonderful...
Choosing the Right Perennial Plant for Your Garden
Agave parryi ssp. truncata 'Bed of Nails' If you want to begin creating a beautiful garden that will give you many years of joy, a perennial plant is a wonderful...

Clumping Bamboos
Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness Zone 7b). Our retail...
Clumping Bamboos
Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness Zone 7b). Our retail...

Cold-Hardy Agaves for North Carolina Gardens
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
Cold-Hardy Agaves for North Carolina Gardens
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

Colocasia - Elephant Ear for the Garden
Colocasia 'Coffee Cups' Colocasia plants, also known as elephant ears or taro, have been used in gardening for centuries. The plant is native to Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands,...
Colocasia - Elephant Ear for the Garden
Colocasia 'Coffee Cups' Colocasia plants, also known as elephant ears or taro, have been used in gardening for centuries. The plant is native to Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands,...

Color from Summer Perennials
Achillea 'Strawberry Seduction' PP 18,401 At last, cold weather is a fading memory and we can turn our thoughts to summertime and summer perennials. Let's begin with the hardy Hibiscus...
Color from Summer Perennials
Achillea 'Strawberry Seduction' PP 18,401 At last, cold weather is a fading memory and we can turn our thoughts to summertime and summer perennials. Let's begin with the hardy Hibiscus...

Coneflowers & Jack in the Pulpits for the Peren...
Echinacea 'Rainbow Marcella' PP 28,573 If you want beautiful and well performing plants to build your garden, simply visit Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. We offer a number of colorful perennials...
Coneflowers & Jack in the Pulpits for the Peren...
Echinacea 'Rainbow Marcella' PP 28,573 If you want beautiful and well performing plants to build your garden, simply visit Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. We offer a number of colorful perennials...

Coneflowers Brighten up the Spring Garden
Echinacea 'Delicious Candy' Coneflowers, or Echinacea, can offer a variety of advantages to your spring and summer garden. These hardy plants are relatively easy to grow and can tolerate a...
Coneflowers Brighten up the Spring Garden
Echinacea 'Delicious Candy' Coneflowers, or Echinacea, can offer a variety of advantages to your spring and summer garden. These hardy plants are relatively easy to grow and can tolerate a...

Coneflowers Will Give You Many Color Options
Echinacea purpurea 'Pica Bella' Perennial flowers allow you to enjoy your beautiful garden year after year. Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. provides many different species of perennial plants that will give...
Coneflowers Will Give You Many Color Options
Echinacea purpurea 'Pica Bella' Perennial flowers allow you to enjoy your beautiful garden year after year. Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. provides many different species of perennial plants that will give...

Create a Lovely Woodland Garden With These Shad...
Aspidistra elatior 'Lennon's Song' Some people may equate woodland garden with cottage garden, but you don’t have to. If you like cottage gardens then the traditional woodland garden works, but...
Create a Lovely Woodland Garden With These Shad...
Aspidistra elatior 'Lennon's Song' Some people may equate woodland garden with cottage garden, but you don’t have to. If you like cottage gardens then the traditional woodland garden works, but...

Create a Woodland Garden with Flowers for Shade...
Hosta 'School Mouse' PP 29,559 Do you have wooded or shaded areas in your yard? Does it look somewhere witches and werewolves might call home? Unless you’re going for a...
Create a Woodland Garden with Flowers for Shade...
Hosta 'School Mouse' PP 29,559 Do you have wooded or shaded areas in your yard? Does it look somewhere witches and werewolves might call home? Unless you’re going for a...

Create a Zoo in Your Garden With Elephant Ears
Colocasia (Leucocasia) gigantea 'Laosy Giant' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into many of the plants that we have sold over...
Create a Zoo in Your Garden With Elephant Ears
Colocasia (Leucocasia) gigantea 'Laosy Giant' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into many of the plants that we have sold over...

Creating a Fall Garden With Sun Loving Perennials
Abutilon 'Fool's Gold' Fall is the time of year that every thing seems to be dressing up. People dress into both heavier cloths and a vast array of colorful costumes,...
Creating a Fall Garden With Sun Loving Perennials
Abutilon 'Fool's Gold' Fall is the time of year that every thing seems to be dressing up. People dress into both heavier cloths and a vast array of colorful costumes,...

Cypripedium Orchids
Cypripedium 'Barry Phillips' Cypripedium (Lady Slipper Orchid) is among the most highly sought-after of all the hardy orchids, despite the fact that it is fairly hard to grow. The reason...
Cypripedium Orchids
Cypripedium 'Barry Phillips' Cypripedium (Lady Slipper Orchid) is among the most highly sought-after of all the hardy orchids, despite the fact that it is fairly hard to grow. The reason...

Debunking Common Myths About Trillium Plants
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
Debunking Common Myths About Trillium Plants
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

Decorate Your Shaded Landscaping Areas with Bea...
Hosta 'Atlantis' PP 17,093 Many gardeners have garden areas that are in direct sunlight. Most folks choose areas that offer enough sun every day to keep plants healthy and thriving....
Decorate Your Shaded Landscaping Areas with Bea...
Hosta 'Atlantis' PP 17,093 Many gardeners have garden areas that are in direct sunlight. Most folks choose areas that offer enough sun every day to keep plants healthy and thriving....

Designing with Evergreen Perennials and other G...
Rohdea japonica Evergreen perennials add interest to your garden year round no matter the season. Their leaves provide color throughout the year. They add texture, shape, and form to the...
Designing with Evergreen Perennials and other G...
Rohdea japonica Evergreen perennials add interest to your garden year round no matter the season. Their leaves provide color throughout the year. They add texture, shape, and form to the...

Determining the Best Perennial Plants for Your ...
Abutilon 'Voodoo' What’s the best way to select and buy garden plants? I’ll assume no one said by spinning around blindfolded holding a knife while surrounded by plant catalogs. It...
Determining the Best Perennial Plants for Your ...
Abutilon 'Voodoo' What’s the best way to select and buy garden plants? I’ll assume no one said by spinning around blindfolded holding a knife while surrounded by plant catalogs. It...

Diverse Perennial Flowers and Plants For Your G...
Paeonia 'America' When perennial flowers are mentioned, a few plants likely come to mind. Roses, daylilies, maybe daffodils, maybe iris ensata plants for sale? These are beautiful perennial flowers to...
Diverse Perennial Flowers and Plants For Your G...
Paeonia 'America' When perennial flowers are mentioned, a few plants likely come to mind. Roses, daylilies, maybe daffodils, maybe iris ensata plants for sale? These are beautiful perennial flowers to...

Double Hellebores for your Woodland Garden
Helleborus x hybridus 'Onyx Odyssey' Helleborus is a genus of shade plants also known as Lenten Rose or Christmas Rose. Hellebores flower in the late winter when there is little...
Double Hellebores for your Woodland Garden
Helleborus x hybridus 'Onyx Odyssey' Helleborus is a genus of shade plants also known as Lenten Rose or Christmas Rose. Hellebores flower in the late winter when there is little...

Drought Resistant Plants for Shade
Asarum minus 'Heart Throb' When you think of drought resistant plants you probably aren't thinking of shade plants or the best flowers for shade. Dry cracked ground under the baking...
Drought Resistant Plants for Shade
Asarum minus 'Heart Throb' When you think of drought resistant plants you probably aren't thinking of shade plants or the best flowers for shade. Dry cracked ground under the baking...

Echinaceas - More than just Purple Coneflower
Echinacea 'Tiki Torch' PP 18,839 When you think of an Echinacea plant, most gardeners usually think of a typical purpleconeflower…Echinacea purpurea. This is because for years, purple coneflowers were grown...
Echinaceas - More than just Purple Coneflower
Echinacea 'Tiki Torch' PP 18,839 When you think of an Echinacea plant, most gardeners usually think of a typical purpleconeflower…Echinacea purpurea. This is because for years, purple coneflowers were grown...

Enhance Your Garden with the Beautiful Foliage ...
Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' It’s no secret that Hostas are a garden staple and have been for many years. Some modern gardeners have recently shifted toward a preference that less...
Enhance Your Garden with the Beautiful Foliage ...
Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' It’s no secret that Hostas are a garden staple and have been for many years. Some modern gardeners have recently shifted toward a preference that less...

Enter the Crinum lily
Crinum 'Infusion' Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness Zone 7b)....
Enter the Crinum lily
Crinum 'Infusion' Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness Zone 7b)....

Epimedium - Woodland Perennials for Early Spring
Epimedium 'Domino' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into many of the plants that we have sold over the years, visit...
Epimedium - Woodland Perennials for Early Spring
Epimedium 'Domino' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into many of the plants that we have sold over the years, visit...

Epimediums - Fairy Wings
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Dark Beauty' Thanks to the plant collector Darryl Probst, Plant Delights Nursery has assembled one of the best collections of Epimediums (aka Fairy Wings or Horny Goat Weed) in...
Epimediums - Fairy Wings
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Dark Beauty' Thanks to the plant collector Darryl Probst, Plant Delights Nursery has assembled one of the best collections of Epimediums (aka Fairy Wings or Horny Goat Weed) in...

Evergreen Ferns for the Woodland Garden
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into many of the plants that we have sold over the years, visit our archive...
Evergreen Ferns for the Woodland Garden
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into many of the plants that we have sold over the years, visit our archive...

Exotic Perennial Plants
If you're looking for some exotic perennial plants to add to your garden, you've come to the right place. Since 1988, Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. has offered some of the...
Exotic Perennial Plants
If you're looking for some exotic perennial plants to add to your garden, you've come to the right place. Since 1988, Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. has offered some of the...

Exotic Plants That Thrive in North Carolina
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
Exotic Plants That Thrive in North Carolina
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

Ferns Are Excellent Choices for the Perennial G...
Adiantum aleuticum 'Imbricatum' Perennial gardens give you the opportunity to view your beautiful plants and flowers year after year. Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. offers a wide variety of perennials that...
Ferns Are Excellent Choices for the Perennial G...
Adiantum aleuticum 'Imbricatum' Perennial gardens give you the opportunity to view your beautiful plants and flowers year after year. Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. offers a wide variety of perennials that...

Ferns Ferns Ferns
Athyrium 'Branford Beauty' Who plants ferns? For the gardener looking to expand their woodland garden, ferns for shade are great additions. Most fern plants require light shade and evenly moist...
Ferns Ferns Ferns
Athyrium 'Branford Beauty' Who plants ferns? For the gardener looking to expand their woodland garden, ferns for shade are great additions. Most fern plants require light shade and evenly moist...

Ferns and Allies for the Shade Garden
Arachniodes simplicior 'Variegata' At Plant Delights Nursery you can buy ferns for sale from a sizeable and assorted selection. We provide a wealth of detailed information about each fern to...
Ferns and Allies for the Shade Garden
Arachniodes simplicior 'Variegata' At Plant Delights Nursery you can buy ferns for sale from a sizeable and assorted selection. We provide a wealth of detailed information about each fern to...

Ferns and Hostas for the Perennial Shade Garden
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
Ferns and Hostas for the Perennial Shade Garden
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

Fill Your Garden With Perennial Flowers
Abutilon 'Voodoo' The smell of sunscreen and hotdogs, the sound of children laughing, and the sweltering heat. To many people that’s Summer. To the gardener it means summer perennials. The...
Fill Your Garden With Perennial Flowers
Abutilon 'Voodoo' The smell of sunscreen and hotdogs, the sound of children laughing, and the sweltering heat. To many people that’s Summer. To the gardener it means summer perennials. The...

Fill in the Shaded Areas of Your Garden With Ho...
Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' When planning your home garden landscaping it may not always be possible to plant in direct sunlight. If you have shaded areas then you need plants...
Fill in the Shaded Areas of Your Garden With Ho...
Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' When planning your home garden landscaping it may not always be possible to plant in direct sunlight. If you have shaded areas then you need plants...

Find a Unique and Exotic Plant at an Online Gar...
Alocasia 'Portodora' Now that you have made the decision to include an exotic plant or two in your landscape, before ordering from our online garden nursery, please take a minute...
Find a Unique and Exotic Plant at an Online Gar...
Alocasia 'Portodora' Now that you have made the decision to include an exotic plant or two in your landscape, before ordering from our online garden nursery, please take a minute...

Find the Best Perennials for Your Hardiness Zone
Arachniodes simulans The best perennials for your garden can be found at our online plant nursery. Plant Delights Nursery is known worldwide for selecting, trialing, and propagating the best perennials...
Find the Best Perennials for Your Hardiness Zone
Arachniodes simulans The best perennials for your garden can be found at our online plant nursery. Plant Delights Nursery is known worldwide for selecting, trialing, and propagating the best perennials...

Find the Newest Plants Online From Plant Deligh...
Asarum arifolium 'See Spot Run' Almost everyone likes to find out what the newest hottest thing is. It's human nature and explains the existence of digital watches and boy bands....
Find the Newest Plants Online From Plant Deligh...
Asarum arifolium 'See Spot Run' Almost everyone likes to find out what the newest hottest thing is. It's human nature and explains the existence of digital watches and boy bands....

Find the Perfect Native Plant for Your Garden a...
Agave desmettiana 'Joe Hoak' When choosing flowers and plants for your gardening needs, there are a number of things to consider. If you are looking to add a native plant...
Find the Perfect Native Plant for Your Garden a...
Agave desmettiana 'Joe Hoak' When choosing flowers and plants for your gardening needs, there are a number of things to consider. If you are looking to add a native plant...

Finding Unique Ferns for the Woodland Garden
Asplenium scolopendrium 'Cristatum' Those gardeners who are in the market to buy ferns for sale this year will be pleased to learn that we have added quite an impressive number...
Finding Unique Ferns for the Woodland Garden
Asplenium scolopendrium 'Cristatum' Those gardeners who are in the market to buy ferns for sale this year will be pleased to learn that we have added quite an impressive number...

Flowering Shade Plants for the Woodland Garden
Aconitum carmichaelii 'Autumn Indigo' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the...
Flowering Shade Plants for the Woodland Garden
Aconitum carmichaelii 'Autumn Indigo' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the...

From Coneflowers to Coral Bells
Echinacea 'Double Scoop Cranberry' PP 24,769 When choosing perennials for your garden area, coneflowers can provide you with a number of benefits. Coneflower (echinacea) is an American native plant that...
From Coneflowers to Coral Bells
Echinacea 'Double Scoop Cranberry' PP 24,769 When choosing perennials for your garden area, coneflowers can provide you with a number of benefits. Coneflower (echinacea) is an American native plant that...

Full Shade Flowers and other Shade Garden Plant...
Alpinia pumila If you want to have a beautiful garden but lack a lot of sunlight, don't be afraid to venture into planting full shade flowers. You'll keep cool working...
Full Shade Flowers and other Shade Garden Plant...
Alpinia pumila If you want to have a beautiful garden but lack a lot of sunlight, don't be afraid to venture into planting full shade flowers. You'll keep cool working...

Full Sun Plants and Other Spring Perennials
Yucca flaccida 'Color Guard' There is nothing quite like the spring garden, plants bursting forth en mass after their communal winter slumber. Bursts of flower color springing forth signal the...
Full Sun Plants and Other Spring Perennials
Yucca flaccida 'Color Guard' There is nothing quite like the spring garden, plants bursting forth en mass after their communal winter slumber. Bursts of flower color springing forth signal the...

Garden Ferns
Athyrium 'Godzilla' Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness Zone 7b)....
Garden Ferns
Athyrium 'Godzilla' Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness Zone 7b)....

Gardening Care Tips for Hostas
Hosta 'Fingernails' Choosing several long-lasting perennials is always a good idea for people who wish to reduce the time they must dedicate to gardening each year. Hostas make a superior...
Gardening Care Tips for Hostas
Hosta 'Fingernails' Choosing several long-lasting perennials is always a good idea for people who wish to reduce the time they must dedicate to gardening each year. Hostas make a superior...

Getting Started With Daylilies
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
Getting Started With Daylilies
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

Getting Started With Pitcher Plants
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
Getting Started With Pitcher Plants
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

Give Your Garden Area Added Beauty with Jack in...
Arisaema heterophyllum When choosing plants for your garden, there are a number of factors to consider. You must understand your growing area and choose plants that will perform well in...
Give Your Garden Area Added Beauty with Jack in...
Arisaema heterophyllum When choosing plants for your garden, there are a number of factors to consider. You must understand your growing area and choose plants that will perform well in...

Give Your Garden Everlasting Beauty with Perenn...
Buddleia 'Miss Molly' PP 23,425 If you want a garden that greets you every year with little effort, perennial flowers are your best choice. Perennials will return again year after...
Give Your Garden Everlasting Beauty with Perenn...
Buddleia 'Miss Molly' PP 23,425 If you want a garden that greets you every year with little effort, perennial flowers are your best choice. Perennials will return again year after...

Great Drought Tolerant Plants That Produce Flow...
Polygonatum falcatum 'Wedding Bells' Everyone knows that some parts of the country receive more rainfall than others and it can vary from year to year. If you are searching for...
Great Drought Tolerant Plants That Produce Flow...
Polygonatum falcatum 'Wedding Bells' Everyone knows that some parts of the country receive more rainfall than others and it can vary from year to year. If you are searching for...

Great Garden Plants from Online Nurseries
Delosperma 'Fire Spinner' Not only can you buy great garden plants online, but the better online nurseries offer comprehensive information on plants and summer blooming flowers that make researching worthwhile....
Great Garden Plants from Online Nurseries
Delosperma 'Fire Spinner' Not only can you buy great garden plants online, but the better online nurseries offer comprehensive information on plants and summer blooming flowers that make researching worthwhile....

Grow Winter Flowers and Evergreen Perennials to...
Arum italicum 'Scottish Silver' Just because it's going to turn cold in a few months, doesn't mean your yard has to look dull or lifeless. It's time to start planning...
Grow Winter Flowers and Evergreen Perennials to...
Arum italicum 'Scottish Silver' Just because it's going to turn cold in a few months, doesn't mean your yard has to look dull or lifeless. It's time to start planning...

Hardiness Zone Map
Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina. When we started the gardens in...
Hardiness Zone Map
Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina. When we started the gardens in...

Hardy Banana Tree Plants Give Your Garden a Tro...
Musa basjoo If you are looking for a perennial that will give your garden a tropical touch, banana trees are the perfect choice. At Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. you will...
Hardy Banana Tree Plants Give Your Garden a Tro...
Musa basjoo If you are looking for a perennial that will give your garden a tropical touch, banana trees are the perfect choice. At Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. you will...

Hardy Banana Tree Plants for the Garden
Musa basjoo If you are searching for Banana tree plants, like Musa basjoo, Plant Delights Nursery offers them for sale on-line. Contrary to popular opinion, banana trees are not only...
Hardy Banana Tree Plants for the Garden
Musa basjoo If you are searching for Banana tree plants, like Musa basjoo, Plant Delights Nursery offers them for sale on-line. Contrary to popular opinion, banana trees are not only...

Hardy Cyclamen for the Woodland Perennial Garden
Cyclamen coum 'Maurice Dryden' Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness...
Hardy Cyclamen for the Woodland Perennial Garden
Cyclamen coum 'Maurice Dryden' Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness...

Hardy Ferns Make Perfect Background Texture
Asparagus cochinchinensis 'Graham's Cracker' If you are looking to buy ferns for sale, you will find a wide selection at Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. We offer ferns as well as...
Hardy Ferns Make Perfect Background Texture
Asparagus cochinchinensis 'Graham's Cracker' If you are looking to buy ferns for sale, you will find a wide selection at Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. We offer ferns as well as...

Hardy Hibiscus Plants for the Garden
Hibiscus 'Airbrush Effect' PP 29,295 The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over...
Hardy Hibiscus Plants for the Garden
Hibiscus 'Airbrush Effect' PP 29,295 The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over...

Hardy Orchid Plants for the Woodland Garden (Bl...
Bletilla 'Candles in the Wind' Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA...
Hardy Orchid Plants for the Woodland Garden (Bl...
Bletilla 'Candles in the Wind' Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA...

Hardy Palms
Trachycarpus fortunei 'Charlotte' While most people in temperate growing zones may consider Palms as exotic, there are hardy palms that can flourish in cooler zones. Some hardy palm trees can...
Hardy Palms
Trachycarpus fortunei 'Charlotte' While most people in temperate growing zones may consider Palms as exotic, there are hardy palms that can flourish in cooler zones. Some hardy palm trees can...

Hardy Perennials and Flowers for the Winter Garden
Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' Hardy is defined as being able to withstand the cold of winter in the open air, in terms of plants. Hardy perennials are those plants that...
Hardy Perennials and Flowers for the Winter Garden
Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' Hardy is defined as being able to withstand the cold of winter in the open air, in terms of plants. Hardy perennials are those plants that...

Hardy Yucca Plants for Colder Climates
Yucca x gloriosa 'Variegata' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the...
Hardy Yucca Plants for Colder Climates
Yucca x gloriosa 'Variegata' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the...

Helleborus x hybridus 'Amber Gem' Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA...
Helleborus x hybridus 'Amber Gem' Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA...

Hellebores - Great Perennial Plants for the Woo...
Helleborus x hybridus 'Dark and Handsome' Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina...
Hellebores - Great Perennial Plants for the Woo...
Helleborus x hybridus 'Dark and Handsome' Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina...

Hellebores: A Beginner's Guide to Growing Lente...
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
Hellebores: A Beginner's Guide to Growing Lente...
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

Heuchera 'Georgia Peach' PP 19,375 Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA...
Heuchera 'Georgia Peach' PP 19,375 Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA...

High Performing Hosta Plants for the Shade
Hosta 'Etched Glass' PP 30,748 You may have areas of landscaping that do not offer direct sunlight and wonder just what you can add to fill in these spaces. Hosta...
High Performing Hosta Plants for the Shade
Hosta 'Etched Glass' PP 30,748 You may have areas of landscaping that do not offer direct sunlight and wonder just what you can add to fill in these spaces. Hosta...

Hosta - The Most Popular Shade Garden Perennial
Hosta plantaginea Hostas are the best shade loving plants for the garden. Not only are hostas beautiful but there are thousands of novel colors and leaf forms (blue hostas and...
Hosta - The Most Popular Shade Garden Perennial
Hosta plantaginea Hostas are the best shade loving plants for the garden. Not only are hostas beautiful but there are thousands of novel colors and leaf forms (blue hostas and...

Hosta Plants
Hosta 'Green Thumb' Every year, gardeners, both novice and advanced, turn to their local garden stores or online garden retailers to spruce up their gardens with their favorite perennial plants....
Hosta Plants
Hosta 'Green Thumb' Every year, gardeners, both novice and advanced, turn to their local garden stores or online garden retailers to spruce up their gardens with their favorite perennial plants....

Hosta Plants Are Exceptionally Hardy Perennials
Hosta 'Clusterfest' When landscaping, if you wish to incorporate flora that either don’t need much sunlight or that thrive in the shade, you should consider our hosta plants. These are...
Hosta Plants Are Exceptionally Hardy Perennials
Hosta 'Clusterfest' When landscaping, if you wish to incorporate flora that either don’t need much sunlight or that thrive in the shade, you should consider our hosta plants. These are...

Hosta Plants Are the Perfect Choice for Landsca...
Hosta 'Blue Waves' Hosta plants are beautiful perennial plants that grow well in shade and offer the perfect solution for landscaping areas around porches, decks and other areas that have...
Hosta Plants Are the Perfect Choice for Landsca...
Hosta 'Blue Waves' Hosta plants are beautiful perennial plants that grow well in shade and offer the perfect solution for landscaping areas around porches, decks and other areas that have...

Hosta Plants and Other Perennials
Acanthus 'Summer Beauty' Whether you prefer the traditional look of Hosta plants or you want something a bit more exotic in your garden, Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. can provide you with quality...
Hosta Plants and Other Perennials
Acanthus 'Summer Beauty' Whether you prefer the traditional look of Hosta plants or you want something a bit more exotic in your garden, Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. can provide you with quality...

Hosta Plants for Sale - Easy to Grow Hosta Plan...
Hosta 'Diana Remembered' Gardeners often ask us which shade perennial is the easiest to grow in their garden. While conditions and answers vary, for many parts of the country, the...
Hosta Plants for Sale - Easy to Grow Hosta Plan...
Hosta 'Diana Remembered' Gardeners often ask us which shade perennial is the easiest to grow in their garden. While conditions and answers vary, for many parts of the country, the...

Hostas Contribute to a Delightful Atmosphere
Hosta 'Big Mama' Hostas are perennial plants that will contribute to a delightful atmosphere in your garden. They can transform your backyard into a place where you can escape the...
Hostas Contribute to a Delightful Atmosphere
Hosta 'Big Mama' Hostas are perennial plants that will contribute to a delightful atmosphere in your garden. They can transform your backyard into a place where you can escape the...

Hostas: Plants for a Woodland Shade Garden
Hosta 'Dressed to Kill' If you would like to add perennials plants to your garden that require minimal sunlight, consider hostas. Plants like hostas from Plant Delights Nursery are particularly...
Hostas: Plants for a Woodland Shade Garden
Hosta 'Dressed to Kill' If you would like to add perennials plants to your garden that require minimal sunlight, consider hostas. Plants like hostas from Plant Delights Nursery are particularly...

How To Grow and Care for Butterfly Bushes
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into many of the plants that we have sold over the years, visit our archive...
How To Grow and Care for Butterfly Bushes
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into many of the plants that we have sold over the years, visit our archive...

How To Select the Best Perennial Flowers
Farfugium japonicum var. giganteum 'Marco' Choosing the best perennial flowers from online plant nurseries can feel the same way as online dating, but it doesn't need to be. Choosing the...
How To Select the Best Perennial Flowers
Farfugium japonicum var. giganteum 'Marco' Choosing the best perennial flowers from online plant nurseries can feel the same way as online dating, but it doesn't need to be. Choosing the...

How and When to Buy Perennials Online from Plan...
Gloxinia 'Little Red' Gardening can be fun and exciting but, like many things in life, we often ignore the instructions and end up with a bulb that doesn’t sprout or...
How and When to Buy Perennials Online from Plan...
Gloxinia 'Little Red' Gardening can be fun and exciting but, like many things in life, we often ignore the instructions and end up with a bulb that doesn’t sprout or...

How to Choose a Hosta
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
How to Choose a Hosta
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

How to Choose the Right Plants for Shade
Hosta 'First Dance' PPAF Many new gardeners believe that all plants need direct sunlight in order to thrive. This is not entirely true. There are a number of plants for...
How to Choose the Right Plants for Shade
Hosta 'First Dance' PPAF Many new gardeners believe that all plants need direct sunlight in order to thrive. This is not entirely true. There are a number of plants for...

Incorporating Elephant Ears into Your Summer Ga...
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into many of the plants that we have sold over the years, visit our archive...
Incorporating Elephant Ears into Your Summer Ga...
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into many of the plants that we have sold over the years, visit our archive...

Invite Butterflies To Your Backyard With Butter...
Buddleia 'Ellen's Blue' Virtually everyone loves butterflies. The way they flutter erratically from bush to flower and back, seemingly unconcerned if humans happen to be in the vicinity. Butterflies are...
Invite Butterflies To Your Backyard With Butter...
Buddleia 'Ellen's Blue' Virtually everyone loves butterflies. The way they flutter erratically from bush to flower and back, seemingly unconcerned if humans happen to be in the vicinity. Butterflies are...

It's Not Easy Being Variegated
Agave 'Kissho Kan Nishiki' It’s not easy being variegated. No, we didn’t change it to keep from being sued by Disney. If you’re a plant being green is easy, but...
It's Not Easy Being Variegated
Agave 'Kissho Kan Nishiki' It’s not easy being variegated. No, we didn’t change it to keep from being sued by Disney. If you’re a plant being green is easy, but...

Lady Slipper Cypripedium Orchids for the Woodla...
Cypripedium kentuckiense Everyone seems to have a fascination for orchids, but few gardeners realize that many lady slipper orchids of the genus Cypripedium can be grown outdoors in many climates....
Lady Slipper Cypripedium Orchids for the Woodla...
Cypripedium kentuckiense Everyone seems to have a fascination for orchids, but few gardeners realize that many lady slipper orchids of the genus Cypripedium can be grown outdoors in many climates....

Landscaping With Ferns and Hostas
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
Landscaping With Ferns and Hostas
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

Lenten Roses aka: Helleborus orientalis for Col...
Helleborus lividus Most gardeners know lenten roses are great perennial plants for adding color to a woodland shade garden, but many folks including mail order nurseries still call them by...
Lenten Roses aka: Helleborus orientalis for Col...
Helleborus lividus Most gardeners know lenten roses are great perennial plants for adding color to a woodland shade garden, but many folks including mail order nurseries still call them by...

Liriope muscari
Liriope muscari 'Peedee Ingot' Liriope muscari is an evergreen ground cover which grows to a height of 10” to 18” It grows in a clump form and will spread to...
Liriope muscari
Liriope muscari 'Peedee Ingot' Liriope muscari is an evergreen ground cover which grows to a height of 10” to 18” It grows in a clump form and will spread to...

Looking for the Best Perennials for Sun
Delosperma 'Lavender Ice' The cold days of winter are a distant memory. Your thoughts turn to beautiful flowers springing up all over your garden. But what can you plant when...
Looking for the Best Perennials for Sun
Delosperma 'Lavender Ice' The cold days of winter are a distant memory. Your thoughts turn to beautiful flowers springing up all over your garden. But what can you plant when...

Lovely Canna Plants Start With Sourcing the Bes...
Canna x generalis 'Phasion' To bake a great cake you must start with great ingredients and growing canna plants is no different…you must start with good canna bulbs…actually, rhizomes. For...
Lovely Canna Plants Start With Sourcing the Bes...
Canna x generalis 'Phasion' To bake a great cake you must start with great ingredients and growing canna plants is no different…you must start with good canna bulbs…actually, rhizomes. For...

Lycoris - Spider Lilies for the Perennial Garden
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
Lycoris - Spider Lilies for the Perennial Garden
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

Miscanthus - Maiden Grass for the Garden
Miscanthus 'Andante' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit...
Miscanthus - Maiden Grass for the Garden
Miscanthus 'Andante' The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit...

Musa - Banana Tree
Ensete maurelii Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness Zone 7b)....
Musa - Banana Tree
Ensete maurelii Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness Zone 7b)....

Must-have Shade Plants for North Carolina Gardens
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
Must-have Shade Plants for North Carolina Gardens
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

Native Plant Nurseries
Baptisia 'Lemon Meringue' PP 24,280 For residents of North America, enjoying beautiful and native plants are as easy as looking out our front doors or windows. North America contains some...
Native Plant Nurseries
Baptisia 'Lemon Meringue' PP 24,280 For residents of North America, enjoying beautiful and native plants are as easy as looking out our front doors or windows. North America contains some...

Native Plants Add Variety To Your Garden
Verbena tenuisecta 'Decked Out' If you wish to find a nursery that is preeminent among native plants nurseries, Plant Delights Nursery can fulfill your wishes. We have been in business...
Native Plants Add Variety To Your Garden
Verbena tenuisecta 'Decked Out' If you wish to find a nursery that is preeminent among native plants nurseries, Plant Delights Nursery can fulfill your wishes. We have been in business...

Native Plants That Thrive in Your Garden
Callirhoe involucrata var. tenuissima A native plant is generally defined as a plant that occurs and reproduces in an area without human cultivation. There are a number of native plants...
Native Plants That Thrive in Your Garden
Callirhoe involucrata var. tenuissima A native plant is generally defined as a plant that occurs and reproduces in an area without human cultivation. There are a number of native plants...

Need Plants for Shade? These Perennials Thrive ...
Sanguinaria canadensis 'Multiplex' 'If you have shaded areas in your yard, you are presented with different challenges when it comes to gardening. Just like there is full sun to part...
Need Plants for Shade? These Perennials Thrive ...
Sanguinaria canadensis 'Multiplex' 'If you have shaded areas in your yard, you are presented with different challenges when it comes to gardening. Just like there is full sun to part...

Need Plants for a Shade Garden?
Adiantum pedatum Who turned down the sun in your yard? This may be what you are asking yourself as spring approaches and you have visions of perennials dancing around in...
Need Plants for a Shade Garden?
Adiantum pedatum Who turned down the sun in your yard? This may be what you are asking yourself as spring approaches and you have visions of perennials dancing around in...

Need a Great Native Plant for Your Garden?
Yucca 'Tromping Around' A great nursery for native plants can be hard to find. Especially when you realize most of the places you buy plants from are not nurseries at...
Need a Great Native Plant for Your Garden?
Yucca 'Tromping Around' A great nursery for native plants can be hard to find. Especially when you realize most of the places you buy plants from are not nurseries at...

New Flowers and Other Perennials from our Onlin...
Agave nizandensis 'Double Stripe' Plant Delights Nursery was established in 1988 as a mail order nursery. In our online plant catalog there are 1,700 different flowers / perennials to satisfy...
New Flowers and Other Perennials from our Onlin...
Agave nizandensis 'Double Stripe' Plant Delights Nursery was established in 1988 as a mail order nursery. In our online plant catalog there are 1,700 different flowers / perennials to satisfy...

New and Unique Perennial Plants
Hosta 'Afterglow' PP 26,755 Every year breeders produce new perennial plants for gardeners. Here at Plant Delights Nursery, we strive to acquire the best of these new perennials, trial them...
New and Unique Perennial Plants
Hosta 'Afterglow' PP 26,755 Every year breeders produce new perennial plants for gardeners. Here at Plant Delights Nursery, we strive to acquire the best of these new perennials, trial them...

No shade? Try Full Sun Flowers and other Plants...
Echinacea 'Hot Papaya' PP 21,022 Are you short on shade? Does your yard get more sun than a nudist sunbathing on Mercury in august? Plant Delights Nursery can help, not...
No shade? Try Full Sun Flowers and other Plants...
Echinacea 'Hot Papaya' PP 21,022 Are you short on shade? Does your yard get more sun than a nudist sunbathing on Mercury in august? Plant Delights Nursery can help, not...

Order Exotic Plants and Native Wildflowers Online
Trillium underwoodii If you order plants online it's good to know what you're getting. Native plants, like Trillium, are defined as plants that are not native to a particular area....
Order Exotic Plants and Native Wildflowers Online
Trillium underwoodii If you order plants online it's good to know what you're getting. Native plants, like Trillium, are defined as plants that are not native to a particular area....

Ornamental Grasses for the Perennial Garden
Miscanthus sinensis 'Gold Bar' PP 15,193 Perennial ornamental grasses are a way to have interest in the garden throughout the year. They can act as a contrast with heavier textured...
Ornamental Grasses for the Perennial Garden
Miscanthus sinensis 'Gold Bar' PP 15,193 Perennial ornamental grasses are a way to have interest in the garden throughout the year. They can act as a contrast with heavier textured...

Partial Shade Perennials Make Great Flowers For...
Heuchera 'Georgia Peach' PP 19,375 One of the most important factors to consider in gardening is light: the quantity, the quality and the duration. Having done your homework along with...
Partial Shade Perennials Make Great Flowers For...
Heuchera 'Georgia Peach' PP 19,375 One of the most important factors to consider in gardening is light: the quantity, the quality and the duration. Having done your homework along with...

Perennial Flowers Provide Joy for Years
Colocasia esculenta 'Mojito' PP 21,995 Perennial flowers are beautiful and can provide enjoyment for years. If you have a garden, you can choose flowers that will come back year after year,...
Perennial Flowers Provide Joy for Years
Colocasia esculenta 'Mojito' PP 21,995 Perennial flowers are beautiful and can provide enjoyment for years. If you have a garden, you can choose flowers that will come back year after year,...

Perennial Flowers that Bloom All Summer
Achillea 'Strawberry Seduction' PP 18,401 Flowers are the stars of the plant world, and unfortunately some are one-hit wonders, but not all flowers are so fleeting. There are perennial flowers...
Perennial Flowers that Bloom All Summer
Achillea 'Strawberry Seduction' PP 18,401 Flowers are the stars of the plant world, and unfortunately some are one-hit wonders, but not all flowers are so fleeting. There are perennial flowers...

Perennial Plants Keep Your Garden Beautiful Yea...
Hosta 'Blonde Ambition' When choosing the plants that will decorate your landscape, shade perennials are an excellent choice. Perennial plants allow you to showcase your personal taste and will return...
Perennial Plants Keep Your Garden Beautiful Yea...
Hosta 'Blonde Ambition' When choosing the plants that will decorate your landscape, shade perennials are an excellent choice. Perennial plants allow you to showcase your personal taste and will return...

Perennial Plants Will Bring You Beauty Year Aft...
Agave 'Desert Love' When planting perennials, knowing that you do not need to replant each year is welcomed by many gardeners. You can take the time to build your garden...
Perennial Plants Will Bring You Beauty Year Aft...
Agave 'Desert Love' When planting perennials, knowing that you do not need to replant each year is welcomed by many gardeners. You can take the time to build your garden...

Perennial Plants Will Fill Your Garden Year Aft...
Hosta 'Scentuous' If you want to plant your garden once and enjoy its beauty every year, perennial plants are what you need. Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. offers a number of...
Perennial Plants Will Fill Your Garden Year Aft...
Hosta 'Scentuous' If you want to plant your garden once and enjoy its beauty every year, perennial plants are what you need. Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. offers a number of...

Perennial Plants that Grow in Shade - Full Shad...
Aspidistra elatior 'Asahi' Trees are beautiful, but sometimes they can seem like the enemy of the avid gardener. They block out the light and they take most of the water...
Perennial Plants that Grow in Shade - Full Shad...
Aspidistra elatior 'Asahi' Trees are beautiful, but sometimes they can seem like the enemy of the avid gardener. They block out the light and they take most of the water...

Perennial Sages for the Garden - Salvia
Salvia guaranitica 'Rhythm and Blues' PP 29,585 Many beginning gardeners assume that all Salvias are annuals. However, perennial salvia plants are in the majority. Our catalog features many American native Salvias...
Perennial Sages for the Garden - Salvia
Salvia guaranitica 'Rhythm and Blues' PP 29,585 Many beginning gardeners assume that all Salvias are annuals. However, perennial salvia plants are in the majority. Our catalog features many American native Salvias...
Plant Delights Nursery Is Known For Our Quality...
If you think you have seen perennials for sale online before, wait until you have a look at our online catalog. Plant Delights Nursery has over 1600 offerings at any...
Plant Delights Nursery Is Known For Our Quality...
If you think you have seen perennials for sale online before, wait until you have a look at our online catalog. Plant Delights Nursery has over 1600 offerings at any...
Plant Delights Nursery is Preferred over Other ...
Aster oblongifolius 'Fanny' Of all native plant nurseries , Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. has one of the most extensive selections in the country. We offer a wide selection of native...
Plant Delights Nursery is Preferred over Other ...
Aster oblongifolius 'Fanny' Of all native plant nurseries , Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. has one of the most extensive selections in the country. We offer a wide selection of native...
Plant Delights, The Best of the Plant Nurseries...
Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness Zone 7b). Our retail...
Plant Delights, The Best of the Plant Nurseries...
Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness Zone 7b). Our retail...

Plant Perennials That Bloom All Summer
Abutilon 'Voodoo' Are you looking to perform better and last longer? Then Plant Delights Nursery has the thing for you; a great selection of perennials for sun with flowers that...
Plant Perennials That Bloom All Summer
Abutilon 'Voodoo' Are you looking to perform better and last longer? Then Plant Delights Nursery has the thing for you; a great selection of perennials for sun with flowers that...

Plant a Banana Tree and Make Your Garden Unique
Musa 'Siam Ruby' Did you know that you can plant a banana tree virtually anywhere, even if you do not live in a tropical area? Most people view banana plants...
Plant a Banana Tree and Make Your Garden Unique
Musa 'Siam Ruby' Did you know that you can plant a banana tree virtually anywhere, even if you do not live in a tropical area? Most people view banana plants...

Plant a Wide Selection of Perennials
Hosta 'Faith' Perennial plants are those that return every year when you care for them properly. If you are planning to plant a garden, perennials are a good choice. You...
Plant a Wide Selection of Perennials
Hosta 'Faith' Perennial plants are those that return every year when you care for them properly. If you are planning to plant a garden, perennials are a good choice. You...

Plant a Wide Variety of Perennial Flowers
Aspidistra elatior 'Asahi' Those looking to plant a garden that returns every year will find plants to be the obvious choice. Perennials come back every year provided they are cared...
Plant a Wide Variety of Perennial Flowers
Aspidistra elatior 'Asahi' Those looking to plant a garden that returns every year will find plants to be the obvious choice. Perennials come back every year provided they are cared...

Plantain Lilies - Amazing Shade Plants for the ...
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
Plantain Lilies - Amazing Shade Plants for the ...
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

Plants by Mail Order from Plant Delights Nursery
Aspidistra elatior 'Okame' Plant Delights Nursery was established in 1988 to provide keen gardeners a source of rare and unusual plants by mail order. Unlike many other mail order nurseries,...
Plants by Mail Order from Plant Delights Nursery
Aspidistra elatior 'Okame' Plant Delights Nursery was established in 1988 to provide keen gardeners a source of rare and unusual plants by mail order. Unlike many other mail order nurseries,...

Polygonatum - Solomon's Seal
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
Polygonatum - Solomon's Seal
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

Pulmonaria Lungwort for the Perennial Shade Garden
Pulmonaria 'Diana Clare' Lungwort is named for the fact that ancient botanists thought that Pulmonaria leaves looked like a diseased lung and using the medieval philosophy called the Doctrine of...
Pulmonaria Lungwort for the Perennial Shade Garden
Pulmonaria 'Diana Clare' Lungwort is named for the fact that ancient botanists thought that Pulmonaria leaves looked like a diseased lung and using the medieval philosophy called the Doctrine of...

Quality Hostas Perform Great in the Shade
Hosta 'A Scape Plan' At Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. we pride ourselves on offering the highest performing perennial plants and flowers to our customers. We have a wide selection of...
Quality Hostas Perform Great in the Shade
Hosta 'A Scape Plan' At Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. we pride ourselves on offering the highest performing perennial plants and flowers to our customers. We have a wide selection of...

Searching for Native Plant Nurseries
Agave multifilifera 'Silly String' At Plant Delights Nursery we admire native plants and find it unfortunate that they are so underused. We believe without reservation that they have their place...
Searching for Native Plant Nurseries
Agave multifilifera 'Silly String' At Plant Delights Nursery we admire native plants and find it unfortunate that they are so underused. We believe without reservation that they have their place...

Searching for Native Plants
Baptisia 'Cherry Pie' There are a number of native plants that are indigenous to various areas of the nation. Native plants are the perfect choice for any perennial garden and...
Searching for Native Plants
Baptisia 'Cherry Pie' There are a number of native plants that are indigenous to various areas of the nation. Native plants are the perfect choice for any perennial garden and...

Sedum - Stonecrop Plant Makes a Wonderful Groun...
Sedum 'Back in Black' PP 33,632 The genus Sedum (Stonecrop) is a diverse group of groundcovers that includes some of our most durable garden perennials and rock garden plants. Sedum...
Sedum - Stonecrop Plant Makes a Wonderful Groun...
Sedum 'Back in Black' PP 33,632 The genus Sedum (Stonecrop) is a diverse group of groundcovers that includes some of our most durable garden perennials and rock garden plants. Sedum...

Selecting Cottage Garden Flowers and Other Part...
Achillea 'Sassy Summer Taffy' PP 31,755 Cottage gardens can seem like a peaceful slice of the past carved into this modern world. That doesn't mean that flowers have to be...
Selecting Cottage Garden Flowers and Other Part...
Achillea 'Sassy Summer Taffy' PP 31,755 Cottage gardens can seem like a peaceful slice of the past carved into this modern world. That doesn't mean that flowers have to be...

Selecting Full Sun Perennials that bloom all su...
Zephyranthes 'Ajax' Spring can spoil us with its glut of flowers. Then summer comes and replaces all that color with green. It can be hard transition for flower addicts and...
Selecting Full Sun Perennials that bloom all su...
Zephyranthes 'Ajax' Spring can spoil us with its glut of flowers. Then summer comes and replaces all that color with green. It can be hard transition for flower addicts and...

Shade Flowering Perennials
Epimedium 'Amber Queen' PP 17,197 If you dream of having a beautiful garden but are somewhat apprehensive because you don't have much direct sunlight, shade flowering plants are the perfect...
Shade Flowering Perennials
Epimedium 'Amber Queen' PP 17,197 If you dream of having a beautiful garden but are somewhat apprehensive because you don't have much direct sunlight, shade flowering plants are the perfect...

Shade Loving Flowers and Partial Sun Perennials
Lobelia cardinalis The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into many of the plants that we have sold over the years, visit...
Shade Loving Flowers and Partial Sun Perennials
Lobelia cardinalis The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into many of the plants that we have sold over the years, visit...

Shade Plants Are Perfect for Gardens with Limit...
Hosta 'Rainbow's End' PP 17,251 If you long to have a beautiful garden or landscape around your home, but feel that your dream is lost because you do not have...
Shade Plants Are Perfect for Gardens with Limit...
Hosta 'Rainbow's End' PP 17,251 If you long to have a beautiful garden or landscape around your home, but feel that your dream is lost because you do not have...

Shady Plants for Woodland Gardens
Ruscus aculeatus Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness Zone 7b)....
Shady Plants for Woodland Gardens
Ruscus aculeatus Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness Zone 7b)....

Solidago are Great Full Sun Flowers for the Sum...
Solidago sphacelata 'Golden Fleece' It's time to debunk a garden myth: Solidago (Goldenrod) does not aggravate or cause allergies! The pollen is too heavy to fly in the wind and...
Solidago are Great Full Sun Flowers for the Sum...
Solidago sphacelata 'Golden Fleece' It's time to debunk a garden myth: Solidago (Goldenrod) does not aggravate or cause allergies! The pollen is too heavy to fly in the wind and...

Some of the Best Shade Garden Plants Are Also D...
Euphorbia robbiae Gardeners are always seeking shade garden plants with proven drought tolerance. Drought resistant perennialscan withstand periods of low water, but do need supplemental watering during the first year...
Some of the Best Shade Garden Plants Are Also D...
Euphorbia robbiae Gardeners are always seeking shade garden plants with proven drought tolerance. Drought resistant perennialscan withstand periods of low water, but do need supplemental watering during the first year...

Summer Blooming Perennials and Sun Loving Flowers
Buddleia lindleyana So you have an area that gets full sun and you don't know what to plant in it? Right now it looks like Death Valley and you want...
Summer Blooming Perennials and Sun Loving Flowers
Buddleia lindleyana So you have an area that gets full sun and you don't know what to plant in it? Right now it looks like Death Valley and you want...

Sun Hostas
Hosta 'Hans' Hostas are wonderful perennial plants that are native to the prairies of China, Korea, and Japan. In the U.S., hostas have been cultivated for over 150 years and...
Sun Hostas
Hosta 'Hans' Hostas are wonderful perennial plants that are native to the prairies of China, Korea, and Japan. In the U.S., hostas have been cultivated for over 150 years and...

Sun Loving Perennials Keep Your Garden Vibrant
Alstroemeria 'Koice' Summer here in the south can be brutal on the people as well as the plants, with both looking tired and wilted. Sun loving perennials with summer flowers...
Sun Loving Perennials Keep Your Garden Vibrant
Alstroemeria 'Koice' Summer here in the south can be brutal on the people as well as the plants, with both looking tired and wilted. Sun loving perennials with summer flowers...

Sun Loving Plants and Summer Blooming Flowers
Canna x generalis 'Phasion' Do you have space in your yard in full sun that needs livening up? You could use the space to install a solar panel or a...
Sun Loving Plants and Summer Blooming Flowers
Canna x generalis 'Phasion' Do you have space in your yard in full sun that needs livening up? You could use the space to install a solar panel or a...

The Beautiful and Exotic Jack in the Pulpit
Arisaema sazensoo Choosing plants to add color and texture to your outdoor garden may seem complicated. There are a number of beautiful plants from which you can choose. If you...
The Beautiful and Exotic Jack in the Pulpit
Arisaema sazensoo Choosing plants to add color and texture to your outdoor garden may seem complicated. There are a number of beautiful plants from which you can choose. If you...

The Beginner's Guide to Growing Jack-in-the-pul...
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
The Beginner's Guide to Growing Jack-in-the-pul...
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

The Best Low-maintenance Ground Covers for Shade
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...
The Best Low-maintenance Ground Covers for Shade
The following article is part of a series geared toward entry-level gardeners. For deep dives into a variety of perennials that we have sold over the decades, visit our archive...

The Best Native Perennial Plants
Spigelia marilandica Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness Zone 7b)....
The Best Native Perennial Plants
Spigelia marilandica Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness Zone 7b)....

The Best New Perennials
Heuchera 'Lemon Love' PP 31,223 Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA...