Trillium underwoodii
It can get confusing, but it doesn't have to be. If you're interested in exotic natives, exotic exotics, or just exotic plants you can order plants from Plant Delights nursery; but not exotic unexotic exotics, like dandelion, garlic mustard, or tumble weed…confused yet? What isn't confusing is that Plant Delights has one of the best selections of unusual and exotic plants and we research all of them in detail.
We offer a large array of unusual perennials that are both native and exotic plants. We regularly go on plant hunting expeditions within the United States to find interesting natives and we work with native plantsmen and breeders. We have an extensive collection of native trilliums which you can order from the nursery online. However, trilliums, with their strange mottled three-part leaves, certainly look like exotic plants even when native. We aim to increase the use of wonderful native plants and introduce many into the market. We hope you will order plants native to the U.S.
That doesn't mean we have no love of foreign plants. We are haute couture et internationale, that is, fashionable and international; but we admit only in the plant world…raincoats, shovels, and work boots haven't hit it big in Paris yet. We have a large selection of plants from all over the world. At any given time we have at least a few plants that were recently identified as new species. Agave albopilosa is a newly described species of unusual agave from Mexico we currently offer. We've collected plants from faraway places such as Taiwan, South Africa, and South America. Amorphophallus titanum is about as exotic as it comes in origin, size, flower, and definitely smell, with a common name of corpse flower. It is only one of the many unusual plants we offer. If you are interested in unusual plants, both native and not, then Plant Delights Nursery is the place for you to shop for plants online.