Achillea 'Strawberry Seduction' PP 18,401
Perennial flowers for sun include Buddleia (Butterfly Bush) and Echinacea (Coneflower). Buddleia has a sweet fragrance that attracts butterflies and Echinacea are both heat and drought tolerant, requiring good drainage, especially in winter. Spigelia (Indian Pink) is a show-stopping native perennial that has blooms of bright red and yellow flowers in late spring or early summer.
Other summer perennials are Hedychium (Ginger Lily), Crinum and Salvia. Hedychium flowers resemble clusters of orchid blooms and some are wonderfully fragrant. Crinums are perennial flowers for sun that can grow in either dry soil or a bog environment. Salvias are an American native plant that attracts butterflies and hummingbirds and its flower colors range from red to purple to pink with other colors between.
At Plant Delights Nursery we have one of the largest selections of rare and hard-to-find perennials. We are one of the premier mail order nurseries in the country, offering over a thousand different plants. We have knowledgeable staff on hand who can answer your gardening questions. Enjoy your summer garden this year as well as many years to come when you purchase summer perennials from Plant Delights Nursery. You just might become the envy of your neighborhood.