Arisaema tortuosum
The genus Arisaema is a member of the aroids family, a group of exotic flowering shade plants that includes philodendron and calla lilies. Arisaema species are also known as jack-in-the-pulpit or cobra lily, depending on the plant. Those species which have a pitcher-shaped flower sheath (spathe) with an upright spadix are called jack-in-the-pulpit. Those with a spathe like a cobra head are known as cobra lilies.
Arisaema species are woodland plants that range in height around 1' tall to 3-4'. Arisaema arise from a fall/winter dormant underground tuber or rhizome. Arisaema flowers emerge in spring on a stalk known as a pseudostem. Some species of jack-in-the-pulpit (A. sikokianum and A. urashima) have a silver pattern overlaying their normally green leaves. When you see the silver-leaved jack-in-the-pulpit for sale you need to act fast and order early because they always sell out fast.
Plant Delights Nursery has one of the best collections of arisaema for sale in the United States. We rotate our selections periodically, so if you do not see the one you want, check back in a few months. When you are ready to buy arisaema for your garden or home, check out our list of arisaema for sale below.