For perennials, spring is the season of revival, rejuvenation and renewal when gardens sprout and quickly reach their peak beauty. Springtime marks the start of the annual growing and flowering cycle for most plants and this results in an eruption of color in the perennial landscape. Shop our selection of spring flowering plants for sale.

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More Information About Spring Flowering Plants

Celebrate the re-awakening of the garden with the best spring flowering plants like Primula and Trillium.

The period from March 21 to June 21 marks every gardener's favorite season, spring. Spring is the season of revival, rejuvenation and renewal when gardens sprout and quickly reach their peak beauty. The majority of garden perennials are spring flowering plants. Whether it is an ephemeral like Trillium or Cardamine or a more enduring plant like Agastache, or Paeonia, springtime marks the start of the annual growing/flowering cycle for most plants and results in an eruption of color in the landscape.

We have created this mini-catalog of the best spring flowering plants from our giant on-line catalog of perennials so that you can select exactly the plants that you need for your vernal garden.

Some of the best spring flowering plants are:

  • Arisaema
  • Dianthus
  • Dicentra
  • Iris
  • Epimedium
  • Peony
  • Phlox
  • Primula
  • Ranunculus
  • Trillium

Spring is a culturally important time of year as the symbolic renewal and rejuvenation represented by Easter is paralleled by mother nature with the birth of spring lambs, the hatching of spring eggs, the sprouting of seeds and the colorful production of spring flowering plants. You too can celebrate the resurrection and renewal of spring by planting plenty of the best spring flowering plants in your garden this year. When you are ready to buy spring flowering plants for your garden, check out our online list of spring flowering plants for sale.

Check out all the seasons: Spring Flowers, Summer Flowers, Fall Flowers, Winter Flowers