Iris species range from drought-tolerant dry land perennials to bog dwellers and from sun to shade, so there is no one set of rules for the genus as a whole. We think you will enjoy our superb selections of easy-to-grow, naturally occurring species and early generational hybrids. These impressive flowers are also superb hummingbird attractors.

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More Information About Iris

While we don't offer any of the typical tall bearded irises for sale, what we do feature are some really great iris species, selections and hybrids. Our iris collection includes several US native plants (including some from North Carolina) as well as many other garden-worthy selections of Louisiana iris, Iris ensata, Iris x pseudata (Eye-shadow iris), and Japanese iris for sale. We think you will enjoy our iris selections, which include some little-known, but really choice gems including a few variegated Iris ensata and Iris pallida selections.

As a group, iris species can range from drought-tolerant dry land perennials to bog dwellers and from sun to shade, so there is no set of cultivation rules for the genus as a whole. In general though, they are tough, low maintenance plant which makes them perfect for rain gardens and similar sites.

Tips for Growing Irises

Iris flower color runs the gamut from white, pink, yellow and copper to purple, red and blue. The showy flowers of irises attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Iris species range from 6' tall in some of the Iris x pseudata to 3" tall with some of the Iris cristata forms. Iris ensata, Iris x louisiana, Iris virginica, Iris versicolor, Iris nelsonii, and Iris x pseudata all prefer a moist to wet soil, while Japanese irises and cristata irises thrive in drier shade. Iris x hollandica and Iris unguicularis are but a few of the species that prefer dry sun. You'll find an iris for almost any garden condition, and all of them are deer-resistant. Try pairing irises in the garden with hosta, sarracenia, hemerocallis, and some of the smaller buddleia. When you are ready to buy iris for your perennial garden, we hope you'll check out our extensive online selection of iris for sale here at Plant Delights.

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