Ordering plants online doesn’t have to be a gamble. It can be the best way to successfully choose and buy garden plants. Having adequate information and selection is key to choosing the best garden plants for you. Even experts need good information and selection when ordering plants online in order to make the best use of their knowledge. To find the best selection and information when ordering plants online you should shop at Plant Delights Nursery. Our detailed online catalog has in-depth information on plants and ways to search by characteristics when ordering plants online.
It’s important to know the climatic zone of your plants, which we research and trial often little known plants to obtain this information. We make sure to give you USDA zone information, even delineating between a and b zones; because 5 degrees can make a lot of difference to a plant. As can light requirements, and light requirements can vary between climates. A plant that might love full sun in the Northeast or Northwest might get cooked in the full sun of the south. We give detailed light requirements, and give special needs or heat requirements in the description.
People don’t always realize that just because a plant is listed for your zone it might not fit your other climatic conditions. Cool weather, hot weather, seasonal moisture levels, precipitation, and soil acidity, can all severely affect plants. Plant Delights Nursery trials and researches to obtain this information and makes it available to you. Along with a large selection of hard to find plants to fit various conditions you can choose the best plants for your garden knowing you aren’t stabbing blindfolded.