If you want beautiful splashes of color, our heuchera or coral bells are an excellent choice. Coral bells give you lovely blooms during the late spring and summer months and come in a range of different evergreen leaf hues. You can literally line your garden area with these lovely perennial flowers and show off splashes of color for months. If you like showcasing a variety of colors and foliage, heucheras are an excellent choice. We offer a number of beautiful coral bells and can help you to choose the right perennials for your specific gardening needs.
If you prefer a more exotic approach, the Sarracenia pitcher plant is a beautiful perennial with lots of personality. Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants and add an interesting element to anywhere you have them planted. Many gardeners choose pitcher plants to add to terrariums. If you live in the right area however, you can add them to your outdoor garden as well. Pitcher plants are native to both warmer and cooler regions of the country, so they have a wide range of adaptability for outdoor planting. If you drier regions of the country, you can have pitcher plants for container planting where you can keep them moist.
Plant Delights Nursery trials and displays many new plants at our Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We also offer an Education Center where you can learn about new gardening techniques and plants. Since 1988, we have been providing high performing perennials and can help you to choose just the right plants and flowers for your gardening area. Visit our Botanic Gardens at any time during our Open House Days to see the plants that we are currently displaying. You can also order plants and flowers online or contact us directly at Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. for more information.