Landscaping with Hosta
You can grow a beautifully unique garden with hosta plants. Some hostas have leaves that are heart-shaped while other hostas have round or lance-shaped leaves. Hosta leaf colors can range from shades of green to yellow, white and cream, and blue. Hosta 'Cathedral Windows’, 'Pandora’s Box’ and 'Liberty’ are just a few examples of hostas that offer varying colored foliage.
Hostas are hardy shade plants that can also provide your garden with a summer floral fragrance. Some hosta varieties have a sweet smell that many gardeners find appealing. Although most gardeners choose hostas because of their beautiful foliage, flowers and fragrance are added bonuses with some hosta varieties. In addition to hostas, other perennials including elephant ears, pitcher plants, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, coneflowers and many others make great additions to the woodland garden.
Below are just a few of the ways you can incorporate hosta in your landscape.
Mass Planting: Hostas are perfect for mass planting in large areas of the garden where you want to create a lush, shady look. They come in many different sizes and leaf colors, so you can mix and match to create a beautiful, textured look.
Ground Cover: Hostas are also great for use as ground cover. They spread quickly and create a dense mat of foliage that can help to suppress weeds and prevent erosion.
Borders: Hostas make great border plants. They can be used to create a lush, green edge along a garden bed or walkway, or to separate different garden rooms.
Containers: Hostas can also be grown in containers. They're perfect for use in large pots on patios or decks, where they can provide a bit of shade and a pop of color.
Under Planting: Hostas are also great for under planting under trees or shrubs. They can help to fill in the space and add a touch of greenery to the area.
Underwatering: Hostas are great for planting in wet areas of the garden, such as near a pond or stream. They can help to add a touch of color and texture to these often-neglected areas