Delosperma 'Mountain Dew' PP 31,543
If you want something that will stay year round, then evergreen groundcover plants are a great choice. Rubus pentalobus 'Emerald Carpet' is one of the best evergreen groundcovers for sun. This fast spreading creeping raspberry makes a wonderful textured carpet, bright green in summer and tinged with red in fall. If you want evergreen groundcover plants in shade the Asarums are a good choice. Asarum Splendens makes a particularly attractive spreading clump with silver speckled evergreen leaves. This shade perennial is one of the most vigorous of the wild gingers, but is deer resistant like all asarums.
For groundcovers with brighter color there is also a great selection. Vinca minor 'Illumination' (periwinkle ‘Illumination’) can add color to any bed with small golden leaves edged in green all year round and lavender flowers in spring. Lysimachia congestiflora 'Persian Chocolate' (Persian chocolate moneywort) makes a nicely contrasting mass of chocolaty purple leaves topped with yellow flowers in late spring.
Perennial groundcover plants exist for almost any conditions or climates. For drier spots or climates, sedums (stonecrop) and Delosperma (ice plant) make great ground covers in sun. The ground cover sedums make gorgeous masses of finely textured succulent leaves, often in interesting colors and patterns. The delospermas form evergreen carpets that form mats of bright color when they flower. In more Mediterranean conditions cyclamen make a great ground cover for shade with beautiful foliage and flowers. This summer dormant perennial is a great choice when paired with late spring and summer bulbs. No matter the condition keep your garden happy and colorful with groundcovers. And if you don’t get your garden help at Plant Delights Nursery, please get help somewhere; but we have a better selection.