Among the thousands of perennials in our selection, many of our favorites are plants and flowers with names that start with the letter 'C'. One of the most popular of our hardy terrestrial orchids and one of Tony's favorites is Calanthe sieboldii. If you would like a new variation of canna, try Canna x generalis 'Rose Tiger', a wonderful striped canna with rosy pink flowers.

Read More about Plants that start with 'C'

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126 products

126 products

More Information About Plants that start with 'C'

List of Perennials That Start With the Letter 'C'

Below are some of the genera in our collection with Latin names starting with C.

Caesalpinia Cestrum Coreopsis
Calamintha Chamaecyparis Cortaderia
Calanthe Chamaerops Corydalis
Calopogon Cheilanthes Crambe
Calycanthus Chelone Crinum
Calyophus Chrysanthemum Cuphea
Campanula Chrysogonum Curcuma
Canna Clematis Cycas
Capsicum Clinopodium Cyclamen
Cardamine Collinsonia Cypella
Cardiocrinum Colocasia Cypripedium
Carex Comptonia Cyrtanthus
Caryopteris Coniogramme Cyrtomium
Centranthus Convallaria Cystopteris