Hosta 'Blue Waves'
When choosing hostas it is important to note that their leaves take on different shapes. Some may have leaves that are heart-shaped while others may be completely round. You can add several different types of hostas to your garden area if you prefer a garden that is diverse. Their leaf colors range as well with various shades of green, gold, and blue, including variegation throughout the leaves. During the summer months, hostas give you beautiful flowers and since they are perennials, you will not have to worry with planting a hosta plant year after year. Provided you care for them properly, flowering hostas will give you many years of beautiful flowers and foliage.
If you want perfect shade plants that require little maintenance, hostas are a great choice. Plant Delights Nursery offers a number of beautiful and well-performing hostas that will enable you to customize your garden or landscaping area with a multitude of foliage colors. We offer hostas that are specifically grown to perform well in your zone area. If you prefer a light floral fragrance, hostas can give you this as well. We can provide you with a number of choices regarding hostas and other shade plants and ensure that you get hosta plants that are of the highest quality.
Plant Delights Nursery works with the top plant breeders in the world to breed new plants and introduce new perennials to our customers. In addition to beautiful hostas, we offer a number of other perennial flowers that will help you to make your garden beautiful throughout the year. Feel free to browse our website to gain an insight on the plants that we offer or visit us during any of our Open House Days where you can get a look at our gardens. Contact us at Plant Delights Nursery for more information.