Crinum 'Infusion'
Crinum lily (often misspelled "crinium") is a classic southern bulb that has been popular for generations. They can survive for hundreds of years in the same spot with little's that for tough! Not only are Crinums tough, they are extremely adaptable. Crinum Lilies can tolerate dry sites or can be grown partially submerged in water (altough they flower best in good soils with regular watering). The extreme flexibility makes Crinums perfect plants for low maintenance sites or for rain gardens which can be dry for a long period of time and then inundated with runoff water.
Given their large lily-like flower, extended bloom season, toughness, and beauty, you'd expect to see Crinum lilies growing everywhere in the south, but sadly that is not the case. Crinums fall into the category of "if grandma grew it, then I do not want it". Thankfully, there are plenty of you out there who still like Crinum lily, or don't care that the plant is old-fashioned. For those of you in that camp, Plant Delights is here to satisfy your crinum lily needs.
We currently grow nearly 200 different crinums in our trials and we select the very best to offer to you. The giant clumps of bold, tropical, foliage make crinums an imposing architectural statement. Starting in late spring and summer, crinum lily clumps are topped with an array of red, pink, white or striped flowers...often fragrant too. Flowering continues until frost. After each crinum flower is pollinated, it produces a handful of large greenish seeds that can be collected and shared with your neighbors. You'll soon have more than you can use.
Try pairing crinums with other tough plants like agave and prolific bloomers like buddleia, or maybe try out one of the echinacea plants for sale here at Plant Delights. If you have never tried Crinums before, now is the time. We think that you will really like them. Think about it... large flowers, long bloom period, really tough ... what's not to like about Crinum Lily?