There are many choices and varieties when it comes to choosing the hostas that are right for your garden. The largest variety can grow up to three feet high and twice as wide, while the tiniest hostas, known as miniature hosta, will only ever reach several inches in size. The average sized hosta plant is around two feet tall.
Regardless of the size, color, or texture of the hostas you choose, the care required is generally quite similar across the board. They love a fair amount of bright sun in the morning and shade during the middle of the day. It is important that you water them regularly, especially those who spend more than 25-50% of the day in direct sunlight. If not supplied by regular rains, hostas in overly sunny areas require an additional one to two inches of water per week. Hostas are quite heavy feeders and it will be necessary for you to supply them with lots of compost and occasionally organic fertilizer in order to experience the full beauty of their foliage.
Pairing your hostas with the perfect companion plants is a great idea. Whether you choose to add more perennial flowers or garden ferns to your garden is entirely up to your preference and depends on how much time you would like to spend gardening each year. Several good partner plants include: anemones, ferns, wild gingers, Jack in the Pulpit, and clumping bamboos.