Paeonia 'America'
At Plant Delights we sell around 400 genera of plants and over a thousand varieties of perennial flowers and plants at any given time. That's the kind of diversity you would expect from a botanical garden, not a nursery. Guess what? We are also a botanical garden as well, Juniper Level Botanical Garden, which contains an even greater number of genera and varieties than our plants for sale. Our garden and nursery is painted with a massive palette of exotic paints from all over the world. If you want a diverse selection of perennial paints, I mean flowers, then Plant Delights Nursery is your best source.
Roses are nice, but try our heat tolerant peonies for sale instead; you'll be rewarded by massive blooms year after year. Or perhaps try our varieties of cistus (rock rose) which provide a heat and drought tolerant alternative to roses. If you like irises, try cultivars of Iris unguicularis, a beautiful and uncommon winter blooming iris, for some winter color. For unusual and breathtaking perennial flowers, nothing is quite like the voodoo lily (Amorphophallus) and Jack-in-the-pulpits (Arisaema) or their cousins. We offer a great selection of these rare and hard-to-find plants for sale. If you have your heart set on daylilies we offer a charming assortment of hard-to-find daylilies, some with flowering stalks as tall as a person. Daylilies are nice, but rethink them as perfect at the back of a border or as the centerpiece of a bed…we do.
To discover the countless other genera and varieties we sell, explore our catalog as we continue to explore the world to bring you new and exciting perennials. Don't limit yourself as an artist in the garden. You should make the best use of your canvas by buying the best plants. And the best plants come from Plant Delights Nursery. You're welcome to get ideas for your living painting by visiting ours at Juniper Level Botanic Garden. Contact us for details.