Agaves (Century Plant) are native to the Southwest and Mexico. They are deer resistant as well as drought tolerant. It will take a number of years, but the agave plant will flower, and then the main plant dies, leaving behind pups or offsets. Agaves come in a variety of colors and are low maintenance. They can also be grown in every state in the United States in pots, some to be left outdoors and others to be brought inside during cold periods.
Baptisia (False Indigo) is a deer-resistant perennial wildflower that is also a drought resistant flowers. Their blue, yellow or purple flowers attract butterflies and make a statement in the garden. One of the best perennials for full sun, Baptisia grows to about 3 feet tall and 3 feet wide. A mass planting of these drought resistant flowers is a striking sight.
Delosperma (Ice Plant) is a South African full sun groundcover. Their attractive succulent foliage, low spreading stems, and iridescent flowers add color and quality to the garden floor. Delosperma grows to a height of 2-3 inches and the neon-like intensity of flower color and the length of bloom time greatly enhances the ornamental interest of these drought resistant flowers.
One of the best perennials for full sun is Cestrum (Jessamine). It is a tropical native and a relative to potatoes and tomatoes. While the flowers are odorless during the day, they more than make up for that with their nighttime perfume that permeates the summer breeze. Cestrum is also deer resistant. So if you are searching for the best perennials for full sun or drought resistant flowers for sale please give us a call at Plant Delights Nursery. We'd be delighted to speak with you!