Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. has taken the time and effort to evaluate these plants before making them available online, many of which are non-native, so we know how to grow them successfully and can give you advice on the same.
Hedychium, Musa banana, Alocasia, Helicodiceros, Amorphophallus, Bletilla,and Colocasia are all considered to be an exotic plant. These perennials, as well as others, can be purchased online at our garden nursery. If you are in the area of Raleigh, NC please come visit us! We have 4 Open Nursery and Garden Dates (formerly none as “Open Houses”) a year and we'd love to see you! You can stroll through our Juniper Level Botanical Garden as well as shop in our fully stocked greenhouses. Hopefully, either online or in person, you will find many exotic, rare, unique and one-of-a-kind plants that only a specialized nursery like Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. can provide. We will see you here or online!
Since 1988 Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. has offered one of the most unique and exotic plant collections imaginable for an online garden nursery. We have ongoing trials on rare plants to prove their garden worthiness as well as learn their growing habits. What is an exotic plant? To many people, it is a plant grown in a place far away and has an unusual character about the appearance, color or smell. From our garden nursery to our retail mail order division (where orders can be placed online 24 hours a day) every year we offer a great selection of unique and exotic plants.