Georgia native plants include most all of the major plant groups due to the diverse climate and terrain found across the state. Whether you are looking for a butterfly attracting Baptisia australis or a carnivorous pitcher plant like Sarracenia flava, George native flowers and plants have something for every garden.

Read More about Georgia native plants

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More Information About Georgia native plants

Botanically speaking, Georgia is a very interesting state for native plants. Like many East Coast states, Georgia has a wide variety of terrains from mountains, to flatland forests, to coastal sandhills, to swamps and beaches... and thus a wide variety of native plants. Georgia is also the largest state east of the Mississippi river by land area. This wide variety of habitats and large size means that there are a large number of Georgia native plants... over 3,600 species. Here at Plant Delights Nursery, we have an enormous on-line plant catalog and have searched through it to create this mini-catalog of Georgia native plants that look great in the landscape.

Georgia native plants include all the major plant groups that gardeners covet including orchids (cypripedium), palms (sabal), ornamental grasses (schizachyrium, chasmanthium, panicum, sorghastrum, sporobolus), carnivorous plants (sarracenia), wildflowers (asclepias, silene, sisyrinchium, vernonia), woodland plants (arisaema, hepatica, heuchera, iris, gentiana, thalictrum, trillium, sanguinaria), ferns (adiantum, asplenium, polystichum, osmunda), and woody perennials (cimicifuga, solidago). Plant Delights even sells ethically propagated rare Georgia native plants like baptisia arachnifera (restrictions apply).

With all of this floristic diversity, you'll have Georgia on your mind every time you garden. When you are ready to buy Georgia native flowers and plants for your garden, check out our online list of Georgia native plants for sale.

Check out Tony's article Cutting Through the Jungle - Native Plant Myths and Realities to learn more about native plants.