Plant Delights Nursery has introduced over 1,440 new plant species, cultivars or hybrids to horticulture. Our tireless efforts to trial new plants in the Southeastern United States as well as our breeding program have transformed the shape of gardens throughout the region and the world.

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353 products

353 products

More Information About Plant Delights Introductions

Plant Delights Nursery specializes in rare plants and the introduction of new and unusual species and hybrids available via mail order. Plant Delights Nursery is a mail order nursery that brings to market new and exotic plants that have often never before been commercialized. These plant introductions include hardy garden ferns, flowering perennials, exotic plants, hardy garden orchids, perennials for shade gardens, drought-tolerant plants, tropical foliage perennials, bulbs, and native plants. Often, we actually discover these new plants, trial them, and release the rarest and the best to you. If you're looking to buy native plants or exotic plants, Plant Delights is the mail order plant nursery for you. Below is a complete list of plants that have been introduced to the market by PDN over the years.