Most wintertime gardens are sorely lacking when it comes to color, foliage and texture. Here in the southern US, where the soil does not freeze, gardeners can have pretty winter flowers and fabulous foliage all year round.

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More Information About Winter Flowering Plants

Got the winter blues? How about adding some winter pinks, yellows and purples to them? The best winter flowering plants including Helleborus, Cyclamen, Ranunculus and more.

Most wintertime gardens are sorely lacking when it comes to color, foliage and texture. Here in the southern US, where the soil does not freeze, gardeners can have pretty blooms and fabulous foliage all year round if they plan properly and include a variety of winter flowers in their landscape. Here at Plant Delights Nursery, we have a huge on-line catalog of perennials, which we have sorted through to create this mini-catalog of the best winter flower plants.

What are the best winter flowering plants?

Some of the best winter flowering plants include the curiously shaped, brightly colored, and intricately foliaged perennials: Cyclamen and Helleborus. Although their branches may be bare, the powerfully fragrant, honeycomb-like, upside-down flowers of Edgeworthia are real standouts in the garden.

Usually grown for their foliage, Sarcococca plants also have small but very fragrant flowers in the winter. You southern gardeners might not consider the normally heat-intolerant Primula for the winter garden. Our garden trials have revealed a nice selection of heat tolerant varieties of this dainty and pretty winter flower plant.

There are many more interesting winter flowering plants including certain species of Arum, Asarum, Aspidistra, Cardamine, Phlox, Eranthis, Eupatorium, Ipheion, Iris, Narcissus, Nothoscordum, Oxalis, Pulmonaria, Ranunculus, Trillium, and Veronica.

Why do some plants flower during the winter?

A better question to ask is "why do plants go dormant in the winter?". Plants go dormant during the worst weather of the year in order to conserve their energy for better times. In certain parts of the world, winter is the best time of year to grow and flower because due to geography, that is when the rains fall. Plants that are native to these parts of the world are winter flowering plants because it makes sense to grow in the winter and avoid the hot arid summers of their native homes. So winter flowering plants are not confused, they are crafty. When you are ready to buy winter flower plants for your garden, check out our online list of the best winter flowering plants for sale.

Check out our collections of perennials for other seasons: Spring Flowers, Summer Flowers, Fall Flowers.

Also, check out a few of our articles on winter gardening:

And be sure to check out our Gardening Unplugged video Winter Bones.