Texas can be divided into 9 eco-regions that consist of deserts, brush lands, high plateaus, hills, plains, savannahs, prairies, marshes and forests at widely different altitudes. As a result, plants native to Texas include agave, baptisia, succulents, wildflowers, ornamental grasses and more.

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More Information About Texas native plants

... Including Agave, Baptisia, Calylophus, Echinacea, Succulents, Ornamental grasses, Salvia and more.

If you have a hankering for a plant from the Lone Star State, check out our list of Texas native plants below. Here at Plant Delights Nursery, we grow plants from all over the world and we have searched through our enormous on-line catalog to create this mini-catalog of Texas native plants for you green-thumbed cow-pokes.

Although many people assume that Texas is all the same; flat, dry. and hot. Texas actually has an extremely varied range of ecosystems. As a result, there are more Texas native plants than any other US state, except one...California. Texas can be divided into 9 eco-regions that consist of deserts, brush lands, high plateaus, hills, plains, savannahs, prairies, marshes and forests at widely different altitudes and with widely varying weather patterns and soil types. Texas native plants are as wide-ranging and varied as the climate, with plenty of succulents, wildflowers, ornamental grasses, and drought-tolerant plants. Texas has a reputation for being dry and dusty, which is true for West Texas, but there are also regions of Texas receiving more than 60 inches of annual rain! With all of this variety, it is no surprise that there are so many Texas native plants. When you are ready to buy Texas native plants for your garden, check out our online list of Texas native plants for sale.

For more information, check out our in-dept article on native plants.