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Iris ensata 'Bellender Blue'

Bellender Blue Japanese Iris

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Item #: 7074

Zones: 5a to 8b

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 50" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: Japan

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Iris ensata 'Bellender Blue' is a 1993 introduction from John Coble and Bob Bauer of Ensata Gardens, that has been a real attention getter in our trial gardens. The 50" tall clumps are topped in mid-June with huge dark blue-purple flowers. The flowers on Iris 'Bellender Blue' are so huge, there must have been illegal steroids involved...investigators are on the case. Very moist soils make for the most spectacular Japanese iris clumps.