Iris relatives ... the Irids. Sometimes botanists come up with shortened words to describe a plant family. In the case of Iris relatives in the family Iridaceae, botanists use the shortened term irids.

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More Information About Irids

Iris relatives ... the Irids. Sometimes botanists come up with shortened words to describe a plant family. In the case of Iris relatives in the family Iridaceae, botanists use the shortened term irids. Other examples of this phenomenon are aroids (family araceae) and amaryllids (family amaryllidaceae). Like all plant groups, there are gardeners who collect irids and are always looking for the next rare or unusual iris relative. Here at Plant Delights Nursery, we have an enormous on-line plant catalog and have searched through it to create this mini-catalog of irids that look great in the landscape.

Irids that we sell here at Plant Delights Nursery include: Anomatheca, Belamcanda (and sometimes xPardancanda), Crocosmia, Cypella, Gelasine, Gladiolus, Iris, Moraea, and Sisyrinchium When you are ready to buy irids for your garden, check out our online list of irids for sale.