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Iris unguicularis 'Dazzling Eyes'

Dazzling Eyes Winter Blooming Iris

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Item #: 9823

Zones: 6b to 9b, at least

Dormancy: Summer

Height: 15" tall

Culture: Sun to Part Sun

Origin: Mediterranean Europe, Northern Africa

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Iris 'Dazzling Eyes' is a 2004 Rick Tasco hybrid that has shown incredible vigor in our trials. Iris 'Dazzling Eyes' has a nice white and purple striped eyezone inside the blue-lavender petals. As with all Iris unguicularis cultivars, Iris 'Dazzling Eyes' likes a bright sunny location and good drainage, although half day shade is also fine. For us, flowering usually begins in November and continues through March, pausing only for extremely cold weather.