Make a gnome man's land in your back yard today! Although our list of gnome garden plants is quite large there are certain miniature gardening plants that make especially nice company for your garden gnomes.

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More Information About Gnome Gardens

Give your garden gnomes some company with miniature gnome garden plants. Gnome gardens are essentially the same as fairy (faery) gardens, but focus on that curious icon of kitsch, the garden gnome. Here at Plant Delights Nursery, we have an enormous on-line plant catalog and have searched through it to create this mini-catalog of gnome garden plants that look great in the miniature garden. Make a gnome man's land in your back yard today!

Although our list of gnome garden plants is humorously quite large there are certain miniature gardening plants that make especially nice company for your garden gnomes. We like blechnum (aka blech-gnome), sedum tetractinum (tetracti-gnome), lilium formosanum (formo-say-gnome), crinum (cri-gnome) and lysimachia nummularia (gnome-ularia). Have a little fun in your miniature garden and plant some gnome garden plants today. And don't worry, your neighbors are laughing with you, not at you. When you are ready to buy miniature garden gnome plants for your garden, check out our online list of gnome garden plants for sale.