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Calanthe 'Kozu Spice'

Kozu Spice Hardy Calanthe Orchid

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Item #: 650

Zones: 7a to 9b, possibly colder

Dormancy: Evergreen

Height: 10" tall

Culture: Part Sun to Shade

Origin: Hybrid

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Originally hybridized for Japanese flower shows, Calanthe 'Kozu Spice' is an amazing garden-worthy seed strain of hardy terrestrial orchids (Calanthe discolor x Calanthe izu-insularis). Calanthe 'Kozu Spice' forms a slowly-spreading mass of ground-hugging, large pleated green foliage, topped, starting in mid-April (NC) with 10" tall flower spikes. The clove-scented flowers come in bicolor combinations of white and red, yellow and red, pink and red, etc...each plant is different. During winters that remain above 10 degrees F, the foliage remains evergreen. It's been over a decade (2011), since we've had any of these to share.