Brown is not just the color of soil but also is the color of many fascinating perennial flowers. Symbolizing earth, growth, warmth, and fertility, the color brown is found readily in nature.

Read More about Brown/Tan Flowering Plants

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52 products

52 products

More Information About Brown/Tan Flowering Plants

Our Favorite Brown Flowering Perennials

Baptisia 'Cinnamon Candles' - We love baptisias, and this PDN introduction is one of our favs. Starting in spring, spikes of bicolor gold and chocolate flowers emerge atop the foliage.

Carex divulsa - While you may not consider sedges flowering perennials, several species of carex produce tufts flowers that are tan or brown. They also make great host plants for a variety of pollinators.

Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Foxtrot' - One of our favorite fountain grasses, Pennisetum 'Foxtrot', forms marvelous bluish-pink plumes that become tan as they age.

Dasylirion leiophyllum - Native to the Guadalupe Mountain range in New Mexico, this sotol forms spikes of tan flowers that resemble torches made of oatmeal.