When planted, cypripedium roots should lay horizontally, just below a well-drained, well-prepared mulched surface. The roots should be covered with compost and mulch. Cypripediums perform best with consistently cool roots and prefer to be planted in the fall, as long as the ground is not frozen, so they can settle into their new bed for a good winter chill.

Read More about Cypripedium

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21 products

21 products

More Information About Cypripedium

Cypripedium is a genus of woodland garden plants that are among the most desired of all hardy orchids for sale, despite their often finicky requirements. It usually takes an average of 7 years to grow these hardy orchids from seed in-vitro, therefore the price of responsibly grown cypripedium orchids will never compete with that of (ecologically damaging) wild-collected lady slipper orchids. Cypripedium orchids are vastly overharvested in the wild, resulting in plummeting populations. If you buy cypripedium, please choose a nursery like Plant Delights that only grows hardy orchids propagated from nursery stock.

When planted, cypripedium roots should lay horizontally, just below a well-drained, well-prepared mulched surface. The roots should be covered with compost and mulch. Since cypripedium roots are shallow, be very careful that they don't dry out before the plants are well established. The most common reason for cypripedium failure is poor soil preparation and incorrect planting techniques. The cypripedium article goes into more detail on this topic.

Lady Slipper orchids are not the only hardy orchids for the landscape available at Plant Delights Nursery. We also sell cold hardy Bletilla, Calanthe, Pogonia, Calopogon and Cremastra orchids as well. Try pairing your lady slipper orchid with other rare and beautiful woodland plants that will not overrun the lady slippers like Achimenes, dwarf hosta, Cyclamen, Trillium or Rohdea.

We are excited to be able to offer for sale some of the very rare and wonderful Frosch hybrid Lady Slipper orchids from Germany. While we have chosen the easiest to grow of the cypripedium species and the most vigorous cypripedium hybrids, lady slipper orchids are not plants for beginning gardeners. We are pleased to offer an increasing selection of nursery-propagated species and hybrid cypripedium for sale. When you are ready to buy a lady slipper hardy orchid for your garden, check out our list of fantastic cypripedium for sale.