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Yucca x gloriosa 'Lone Star'

Lone Star Soapwort

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Item #: 8263

Zones: 7a to 9b, at least

Dormancy: Evergreen

Height: 48" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: United States

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

It's a rare occasion when a variegated plant sports green and actually becomes a better garden plant, but that is exactly what happened with Yucca 'Lone Star'. This green reversion of the deer-resistant Yucca x gloriosa 'Tiny Star' has dazzled both us and visitors alike with what is unquestionably the best green yucca in our extensive collection. Yucca x gloriosa 'Lone Star' makes a 4' tall x 4' wide specimen in 4 years, with 2' long x 3.5" wide leaves that radiate out from a thick central stalk. In late summer the clumps are topped with 3' tall spikes of large, white, hanging, bell-shaped flowers...simply stunning and a hummingbird delight.