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Trillium grandiflorum 'Georgeous'

Georgeous Pink Grand Toadshade

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Item #: 18297

Zones: 2a to 8b

Dormancy: Summer, Fall

Height: 12" tall

Culture: Light Shade to Shade

Origin: United States

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Regular price $65.00
Regular price Sale price $65.00
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For 2025, we are pleased to introduce, Trillium grandiflorum 'Georgeous', our seed strain from the famous Trillium grandiflorum 'Gothenburg Pink'. These plants all originally hail from the widely-known small population of pink-flowered plants on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Our original seed were shared by German plantsman/seedsman, Georg Uebelhart. For us, the flowers open pure white, before quickly changing over to a eye-catching rich pink. Our quantities are very limited, and it will most likely be several years before we have enough to share again.