Spiranthes vernalis 'Wake Up'
Wake Up Spring Lady's Tresses
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Shop Available SpiranthesItem #: 16643
Zones: 5a to 9b, at least
Dormancy: Winter, Summer, Fall
Height: 18" tall
Origin: United States
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
Spiranthes vernalis is a widespread Eastern US native species (New Hampshire southwest to Texas), that is virtually never grown in gardens. We are pleased to offer these from our property here in Wake County, NC, where they pop up in both pastures and lawns. The deciduous short green rosettes emerge in early spring, topped by 18" tall, twisting spiral spikes of up to four dozen tiny white flowers, starting for us in early June. After seed set, it goes dormant for the season. Spiranthes vernalis is quite easy to grow in acidic loamy soils, and is also a nectar source for several native bee species.
Other Attributes
Genus: Spiranthes
Flower Color: White/Cream
Leaf Color: Green
Container Role: Fillers
Garden Themes: Cottage Garden Plants , Living Wall , Night Gardens , White Garden
Other: Cut Flower Plants , Florida Native Plants , Fragrant Flowers , Georgia native plants , Pollinator Plants , North American Native Plants , North Carolina Native Plants , Plant Delights Introductions , Texas Native Plants , Plant Delights Creations and Discoveries , Tony's Favorites , United States Native Plants