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Rosmarinus officinalis 'Arp'

Arp Hardy Rosemary

1 Review
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Item #: 1268

Zones: 7a to 9b, possibly colder

Dormancy: Evergreen

Height: 84" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: Mediterranean Europe

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Regular price $22.00
Regular price Sale price $22.00
Sale Sold out
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(aka: Salvia rosmarinus) Discovered by the late Madalene Hill in Arp, Texas, this rosemary was sent to the folks at the US National Arboretum, who were so taken after it survived -10 degrees F that they released it under the name 'Arp'. This grey-green, clump-former has typical fine-textured foliage, a wonderful fragrance, and (thanks to my wife) makes some fine rosemary chicken. Rosmarinus 'Arp' is the best grower for us in the South through both summer and winter. Beginning in the fall and continuing through the spring, the deer-resistant clump is adorned with dark blue hummingbird feeding flowers...our 8-year-old specimen is 7' tall and 10' across and survived 0 degrees F...WOW!