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Paeonia 'Gay Paree'

Gay Paree Peony

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Item #: 10372

Zones: 4a to 8b

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 36" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: Hybrid

Pot Size: 3 qt. (2.8 L)

Regular price $34.00
Regular price Sale price $34.00
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(aka: Paeonia 'Santa Fe') Paeonia 'Gay Paree' is a very floriferous, early-flowering, 1933 Auten hybrid. Virtually every peony site on the web lists Paeonia 'Gay Paree' as a synonym of Paeonia 'Santa Fe', but the latter is a completely different double red-flowered plant...doesn't anyone ever verify these myths? Paeonia 'Gay Paree' produces sturdy 3' tall stems, each topped with large, fragrant Japanese style flowers...a row of fuchsia petals holding a creamy white ice cream scoop of central petaloids. Did I mention the flowers are deliciously fragrant?