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Paeonia 'Bartzella'

Bartzella Intersectional Peony

8 Reviews
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Item #: 7187

Zones: 4a to 8b, at least

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 36" tall

Culture: Sun to Part Sun

Origin: Hybrid

Pot Size: 1.6 gal. (6 L)

Regular price $75.00
Regular price Sale price $75.00
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Paeonia 'Bartzella' is the Rolls-Royce of yellow peonies and we are thrilled to share this splendid intersectional (herbaceous x tree) peony. This stunning deer-resistant hybrid goes dormant to ground level and buds like an herbaceous peony but has yellow flowers and foliage like a tree peony. Developed by peony breeder Roger Anderson ('86) of Wisconsin, established clumps of Bartzella peony can reach 3' tall x 3' wide with up to 80, 9" wide, fully-double yellow flowers. The flowers don't fall over in the rain like herbaceous peonies. Bumblebees are the main pollinator for peonies, but since Bartzella peony is a double flower with so many petals, don't expect many pollinators to be drawn to your plant.


In the garden, it requires virtually no maintenance once planted. At the end of the season (September), the old stalks can be cut back, but be sure not to cut back into live wood, since unlike herbaceous peonies, Bartzella peony usually keeps several inches of wood, which contains next years flower buds above ground. Removing this live wood removes your upcoming flowers.

Growing Conditions:

Paeonia 'Bartzella' prefers full sun for 6+ hours for best flowering. Although all intersectional peonies are somewhat drought tolerant, they perform their best in rich soils with even summer moisture. By the end of summer, they have started to go summer dormant, so don't be alarmed by foliage turning yellow, then brown.

If you need to move or divide, the best time is mid-summer.

Aphids may appear on the flower buds of peonies, but this is usually not a problem unless you use fast-release chemical fertilizers. If you do find them on your peonies, soapy water usually is enough to eliminate the problem.

Natural Impact:

Although bees are the primary pollinator of peonies, Bartzella peony is a double flower with so many petals that bees will not find it easy to find the nectar.