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Iris sibirica 'Jewelled Crown'

Jewelled Crown Siberian Iris

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Item #: 9629

Zones: 4a to 7b

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 24" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: Asia, Europe

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

(B. Hollingworth 1985) Iris sibirica 'Jewelled Crown' has been an outstanding plant in our trials. Bob Hollingworth's 1985 tetraploid hybrid is topped in late April (NC) with deep wine-purple flowers, highlighted by a dramatic white central circular pattern. Iris 'Jewelled Crown' is a 1993 winner of the American Iris Society's Morgan-Wood Medal, which is awarded to the top Siberian Iris...good choice!