Iris hexagona

Hexagonal Iris

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Item #: 5278

Zones: 6b to 9b, possibly colder


Height: 36" tall

Culture: Sun to Part Sun

Origin: United States

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

This marvelous and easy-to-grow native iris from South Carolina to Alabama is one of four species that comprise the Louisiana iris hybrids. You can find Iris hexagona, along with many other interesting discoveries, wandering aimlessly through wet ditches in the Gulf states. Iris hexagona makes a 30" tall clump of wide foliage topped, starting in early June (NC), with 3' tall flower spikes, each ending in a nice, rich, dark blue-purple flower. Slightly moist to wet soils are fine. As the flower stalk expands, axillary flowers are also produced, causing the stem to appear Mel Gibson taking a sobriety test. We like to save the stalks and seed pods for flower arranging. Iris hexagona is equally at home in shallow water or slightly moist soils.