Impatiens omeiana 'Silver Pinkster'
Silver Pinkster Hardy Impatiens
Item #: 16640
Zones: 5b to 8b, at least
Dormancy: Winter
Height: 8" tall
Culture: Part Sun to Light Shade
Origin: China
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
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Impatiens omeiana 'Silver Pinkster' is a clone of the winter hardy Impatiens omeiana we acquired over a decade ago from plantsman Sean Hogan, under the invalid name 'Silver Pink' (cultivar names must be nouns, not adjectives). Impatiens 'Silver Pinkster' emerges for us in early April with dark green leaves with a central silver stripe, overlain with red. The goldfish-shaped flowers, composed of a yellow tube and white face, dangle from the terminal stems, starting in early fall, when the plant re-emerges after our hot, humid summers. Our 10 year-old slowly-enlarging patch is now 4' wide. Moist, well-drained soils are best.

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Other Attributes
Genus: Impatiens
Flower Color: Yellow/Gold
Leaf Color: Green , Variegated
Bloom Time: Fall
Container Role: Fillers
Garden Themes: Living Wall
Other: Butterfly Attracting Plants , Dry Shade Plants , Groundcovers , Pollinator Plants , Plants from China , Rabbit Resistant Plants , Tropical Looking Plants , Colored Foliage , Patterned Foliage