Perennial impatiens like garden conditions similar to the ubiquitous annual impatiens: part shade and consistent moisture. Some perennial impatiens spread via underground rhizomes while others are clumpers.

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More Information About Impatiens

Growing impatiens as hardy perennials may seem a bit counterintuitive, but in reality many impatiens species are perennial wildflowers and surprisingly winter-hardy. We have found some impatiens that love summer heat, while others would rather reside in the cool Pacific Northwest. None of the impatiens species we offer can hold a candle to the annual impatiens hybrids for sheer flower power, but they are uniquely attractive and offer a delightful new twist for the woodland perennial garden.

Growing Perennial Impatiens

Perennial impatiens like garden conditions similar to the ubiquitous annual impatiens: part shade and consistent moisture. Some perennial impatiens spread via underground rhizomes while others are clumpers. When you're ready to buy impatiens for your perennial garden, we hope you'll check out our online list of impatiens for sale.