Hosta 'When I Dream' PP 34,285
H. Hansen/Walters Gardens 2020
Item #: 17269
Zones: 3a to 8b
Dormancy: Winter
Height: 28" tall
Origin: Hybrid
Hosta 'When I Dream' is a long-awaited Hans Hansen/Walters Gardens hybrid of Hosta 'Empress Wu' and Hosta 'Queen of the Seas'. The result is a 28" tall x 5' wide, stunning clump of corrugated blue-green, ripple-edged foliage, each leaf highlighted by a wide central creamy center and an irregular band of chartreuse between it and the edge color. The intensity of the leaf color increases as the leaves age. In early summer, the clumps are topped with stalks of white flowers.
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Other Attributes
Genus: Hosta
Flower Color: White/Cream
Leaf Color: Variegated
Bloom Time: Spring
Garden Themes: Cottage Garden Plants , White Garden
Other: Butterfly Attracting Plants , Groundcovers , Hummingbird Plants , Pollinator Plants , Plants that Attract Birds , Rain Garden Plants , Salt Tolerant Seaside Plants , Wet Shade Plants , Colored Foliage , Patterned Foliage