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Echinacea 'Double Scoop Cranberry' PP 24,769

Double Scoop Cranberry Coneflower

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Item #: 14347

Zones: 4a to 9b

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 16" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: United States Hybrid

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Regular price $22.00
Regular price Sale price $22.00
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(aka: Echinacea Balscanery) We have found the Double Scoop series of coneflowers to be superb performers in our heat and humidity trials. Echinacea 'Double Scoop Cranberry', a 2014 introduction from the breeders at Ball Seed, is an offspring of their earlier introduction, Echinacea 'Double Scoop Orangeberry'. Up to six, 16" stalks arise from the basal foliage, topped, starting for us in mid-June, with lovely double flowers of a cranberry/peach color. As with all echinaceas, establish them in the garden before fall, and remove the first set of flowers, which allows the plant to develop a large enough crown of vegetative growth to survive the winter.


About the only care needed for hybrid coneflowers is to cut the old flower stalks off as soon as the flowers fade. If this is done promptly, the clumps will re-flower nicely in late summer/early fall.

Growing Conditions:

All coneflowers need well-drained soils, that do not hold excess moisture, particularly in winter, when the plants are dormant. Despite this, they do not tolerate long term summer drought well.

Garden Value:

We find this selection to be a superb color feature in the early summer garden, when there is usually a flowering lull between the flowers of spring and the flowers of summer.