Carex oshimensis 'Everillo' PP 21,002

Everillo Golden Weeping Sedge

5 Reviews
| 4 answered questions

Item #: 9802

Zones: 5a to 9b

Dormancy: Evergreen

Height: 12" tall

Culture: Part Sun to Light Shade

Origin: Japan

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Regular price $22.00
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Carex oshimensis 'Everillo' is the magnificent follow-up to Carex 'Everest' from Ireland's Pat Fitzgerald. The solid golden foliage of Carex 'Everillo' makes an incredible 1' tall x 2' wide, elegantly weeping, evergreen clump of bright golden foliage that energy-efficiently lights up the woodland garden. A morning sun location helps hold the brightest color, which fades to chartreuse in more shade. Carex 'Everillo' is great among hostas and ferns, but it's also fantastic in mixed color bowl container plantings. Carex 'Everillo' was awarded a bronze medal during the 2010 Plantarium in Boskoop, Holland. We think Carex 'Everillo' is one of the most exciting shade plants of the last decade, and as such we've already planted dozens in our own garden.


Carex 'Everillo' is essentially a maintenance free perennial. Since it is evergreen, the foliage remains for more than one season. After a few years, the three year old foliage may become a bit tattered. At this point, your clump may be cut back and allowed to reflush. The ideal time to do this is late winter, just prior to flowering. For us, that would be late February. We don't recommend that you cut it completely to the ground, but instead leave 2-3" of foliage from the ground. This will also let you enjoy the amazing flower show, which is normally hidden in the foliage.

Carex oshimensis 'Everillo' can be divided, but only in fall or winter. Dividing a clump in other times of year can result in death of the original clump. It can be divided quite small, and a mature solitary clump can easily result in 1-2 dozen new plants. Being a patented plant, be sure these remain for your own use.

Growing Conditions:

'Everillo' is best in light, open shade, but our experiments with plants in half day sun have also been quite successful. Plants in morning sun, when the temperature are cool are best, but plants with late day western exposure have also thrived, although they looked a bit rough for the first couple of years until they got their roots down. Everillo sedge prefers soil that stays evenly moist, but tolerates short term droughts quite well.

Natural Impacts:

Although the research is still in its infancy, Carex species are known to serve as host plants for a significant number of butterflies and other pollinators.