Baptisia 'Cloud 9'
Cloud 9 False Indigo
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Shop Available BaptisiaItem #: 14274
Zones: 4a to 9b
Dormancy: Winter
Height: 48" tall
Origin: United States Hybrid
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
Baptisia 'Cloud 9' is a 2020 Plant Delights/JLBG introduction that we planted as a seedling in 2006. Each year, Baptisia 'Cloud 9' is one of the finest early-season baptisia in our fields, so we decided to share. The compact 4' tall clumps are densely clothed with a mass of blue green foliage, topped in 20" spikes of large blue lavender flowers. After flowering, the clump continues to grow, eventually reaching 66" wide, so leave enough room.

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Other Attributes
Genus: Baptisia
Flower Color: Purple/Lavender
Leaf Color: Green
Bloom Time: Spring
Container Role: Thrillers
Garden Themes: Cottage Garden Plants , Green Roofs
Other: Bog Garden Plants , Butterfly Attracting Plants , Cut Flower Plants , Deer Resistant Plants , Drought Tolerant Plants , Hummingbird Plants , Pollinator Plants , Medicinal Plants , North American Native Plants , Ornamental Seed or Fruit , Plant Delights Introductions , Plants that Attract Birds , Rabbit Resistant Plants , Rain Garden Plants , Salt Tolerant Seaside Plants , Xeriscaping Plants , Plant Delights Creations and Discoveries , United States Native Plants