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Aster ageratoides 'Ezo Murasaki'

Ezo Murasaki Aster

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Shop Available Aster
3 Reviews
| 1 answered question

Item #: 9337

Zones: 4a to 8b, at least

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 24" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: Japan

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Aster 'Ezo Murasaki' is a Japanese selection of the wide-ranging Asian Aster ageratoides var. ageratoides. Aster 'Ezo Murasaki' makes a large, stoloniferous mass to 2' tall x 10' wide in 10 years. In other words, this is NOT a plant for the small garden, and it does not play well with others its own size. What Aster ageratoides 'Ezo Murasaki' does very well is fill a large space rapidly and reward you in October and November with an incredible blanket of medium purple, very frost-resistant flowers.