Manfreda are spineless, have fleshy leaves, and prefer part sun to light shade as long as the soil is well-drained. Many are prized for their patterned, wavy leaves and they look great in containers or rock gardens.

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More Information About Manfreda

The succulent genus Manfreda is found throughout the US (including North Carolina) and Mexico and is essentially a deciduous, non-spined agave. In fact, there is a constant taxonomic tug-of-war whether to reclassify manfreda into the genus agave again. Manfreda is also closely related to polianthes...the tuberose.

In addition to their deciduous nature, manfreda are spineless, have fleshy leaves, and many prefer part sun to light shade growing conditions as long as the soil is well-drained. Many manfreda species are prized for their patterned or wavy leaves and they look great in containers or rock gardens. Manfreda clumps are drought-tolerant and topped with tall, thin, spikes in midsummer, each adorned with bizarre flowers that drive hummingbirds crazy. When you're ready to buy manfreda for your perennial garden, check out our online list of manfreda for sale.