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Viola pedata 'Eco Artist Palette'

Eco Artist Palette Bird-foot Violet

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Item #: 7215

Zones: 4a to 8b

Dormancy: Evergreen

Height: 3" tall

Culture: Sun to Part Sun

Origin: United States

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

This splendid selection of our US native Viola pedata comes from native plant pioneer, the late Dr. Don Jacobs of Decatur, Georgia. Viola pedata 'Eco Artist Palette' makes a small clump (3" tall x 3" wide) composed of finely dissected leaves that resemble...what else, bird's feet. The tight clumps of Viola pedata are topped with pansy-like flowers in April/May, usually with some reflowering in late summer/early fall. Unlike the typical blue flowers, Viola 'Eco Artist Palette' has two dark blue-purple upper petals contrasting with three near-white lower petals. Viola pedata has reportedly edible leaves and flowers although we haven't yet had enough to indulge. If that's not enough, Viola pedata is used to treat coughs, colds, and dysentery. At home in a sunny, well-drained rock garden, Viola pedata is one of the few viola species in an otherwise weedy genus that we allow in our garden.