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Thymus argaeus 'Wild Turkey'

Wild Turkish Thyme

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Item #: 4600

Zones: 6a to 8b, at least

Dormancy: Evergreen

Height: 1" tall

Culture: Sun to Part Sun

Origin: Turkey

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Wild Turkish thyme, not to be confused with Wild Turkey time, is an endemic guessed it...Turkey. Our heat and humidity is deadly for most thymes but this gem we got from plantsman John Hargrove in 2001 has thrived for over a decade. For us, Thymus argaeus has formed a lovely 1" tall x 8' wide, rich evergreen mat topped, starting in early June, with tiny light lavender flowers. Thymus argaeus is used in wild tea and as a culinary spice. The oils of Thymus argaeus have also been shown to have both antioxidant and antimicrobial's about darn thyme!