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Thelypteris ovata var. lindheimeri 'Tooth Fairy'

Tooth Fairy Lindheimer's Maiden Fern

1 Review
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Item #: 17599

Zones: 7a to 9b, possibly colder

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 36" tall

Culture: Sun to Light Shade

Origin: United States

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Regular price $23.00
Regular price Sale price $23.00
Sale Sold out
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(aka: Pelazoneuron ovatum var. lindheimeri) Thelypteris 'Tooth Fairy' is a 2023 Plant Delights/JLBG introduction of a Jimmy Turner selection of the US native Thelypteris ovata var. lindheimeri, that he found growing at a Texas dentist office, just before he moved to New Zealand. Thelypteris 'Tooth Fairy' forms a dense, winter-deciduous patch to 10' wide of 3' tall, upright, deer-resistant, light green fronds in 7 years. In the wild, it is usually found near water, but we find it perfectly happy in average moisture garden soil. Tooth Fairy maiden fern makes a superb groundcover mass in both full sun and light shade.