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Sabal x palmarum 'Me Too' (palmetto x causiarum)

Me Too Hardy Hybrid Palm

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Item #: 16953

Zones: 8b to 10b, guessing

Dormancy: Evergreen

Height: 360" tall

Culture: Sun to Part Sun

Origin: Hybrid

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Regular price $28.00
Regular price Sale price $28.00
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For 2025, we are pleased to introduce Sabal x palmarum 'Me Too', a hybrid palm, from a purported cross of Sabal palmetto (female) x Sabal causiarum (male). This is the reciprocal cross of Sabal 'Just Cause'. Seed are from the famed hardy palm garden of Joe Le Vert at Aquinas High School in Augusta, GA. We expect tall offspring the size of Sabal palmetto. Both parents have been winter hardy for years in Augusta, GA. These are best for palmophiles, who love to experiment with winter hardiness.