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Primula japonica

Candelabra Primrose

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Item #: 1789

Zones: 4a to 8b, at least

Dormancy: Summer, Fall

Height: 18" tall

Culture: Part Sun to Light Shade

Origin: Japan

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

I assumed for years that these would not thrive in our heat and humidity after seeing them in full glory in the upper Midwest...I was wrong. This Japanese native thrives in bogs and damp areas...forgot, we have to call them wetlands now. We have grown Primula japonica for over a decade along the edge of our woodland stream among pitcher plants, where they reseed politely, forming a slowly increasing colony. Starting in late May and continuing through June, the 12" tall x 18" wide rosette is topped by 18" tall spikes, each laden with numerous whorls of flowers, either in purple, red, pink, or white. A mass of Primula japonica flowering in late spring is a hortgasm-causing event.