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Opuntia cacanapa 'Ellisiana'

Ellisiana Spineless Prickly Pear

5 Reviews
| 9 answered questions

Item #: 5564

Zones: 7a to 10b, possibly colder

Dormancy: Evergreen

Height: 36" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: United States Hybrid

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Regular price $25.00
Regular price Sale price $25.00
Sale Sold out
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Next crop available: 02/21/2025

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(aka: Opuntia 'Burbank Spineless') Thanks to Scott Ogden and David Ferguson for pointing out a major error...the plant we offered as 'Burbank Spineless' is the wrong plant. Burbank's plant is a form of the less hardy Opuntia ficus-indica. Our plant is a spineless selection of the US/Mexican native Opuntia cacanapa named 'Ellisiana'. For us, this fast-growing but compact opuntia makes a 3' tall x 6' wide deer-resistant mound (in 5 years) of 6" grey-green spineless pads. In August, the clump is topped with large, bright yellow flowers...a bumblebee oasis, followed by large red "pears." Well-drained winter soils are vital for best performance.